Quark-Induced Correlations between Instantons Drive the Chiral Phase Transition.pdf

Quark-Induced Correlations between Instantons Drive the Chiral Phase Transition.pdf

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Quark-Induced Correlations between Instantons Drive the Chiral Phase Transition

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 4 0 1 2 8 5 v 1 1 9 J a n 1 9 9 4 SUNY-NTG-94-4 NSF-ITP-93-150 QUARK-INDUCED CORRELATIONS BETWEEN INSTANTONS DRIVE THE CHIRAL PHASE TRANSITION E.-M.Ilgenfritz ? and E. V. Shuryak? Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 February 7, 2008 Abstract A simple model for the instanton ensemble at finite temperature T is proposed, including “random” and strongly correlated “molecular” component. T-dependence of fermionic zero modes naturally leads to chiral symmetry restoration, without instanton suppression. Moreover, at T = (1? 2)Tc the non-perturbative effects due to “molecules” are so strong, that they even dominate the global thermodynamics. ? On leave from Fachbereich Physik, Humboldt Universita?t Berlin, Germany ? On leave from: Physics Department, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794 1 Instantons are the major component of non-perturbative fields in the QCD vac- uum, and significant amount of work [1, 2, 3] has been done in order to build a quantitative theory describing them. Two major steps forward were done during the last year. First, the simplest ensemble (the so called Random Instanton Liquid Model), has reproduced many correlation functions [4] known from phenomenology [5] and lattice simulations [6]. Second, by “cooling” of the (quenched) lattice config- urations it was found in [7] that the typical instanton density is about n ≈ 1.4fm?4 and the typical size is about ρ ≈ .35fm, very close to the “instanton liquid” pa- rameters suggested by one of us a decade ago [2]. The correlation functions and hadronic wave functions, are shown to be practically unaffected by “cooling”: so, by removing perturbative gluons and confinement, one does not loose mesons and baryons! The instanton-induced effects at finite temperature T and much less studied. Our particular focus is on the chiral restoration phase transition at Tc. The main idea is that it happens due to growing correlati


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