Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model and Neutrino Phenomenology.pdf

Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model and Neutrino Phenomenology.pdf

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Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model and Neutrino Phenomenology

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 8 0 5 4 4 1 v 1 2 5 M a y 1 9 9 8 University of Shizuoka US-98-05 May 1998 Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model and Neutrino Phenomenology ? Yoshio Koide? Department of Physics, University of Shizuoka 52-1 Yada, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan Abstract Stimulated by the recent development of the “universal seesaw mass ma- trix model”, an application of the model to the neutrino mass matrix is in- vestigated: For the charged lepton and down-quark sectors, the model ex- plains the smallness of their masses mf by the conventional seesaw mecha- nism Mf ? mLM?1F mR (MF is a mass matrix of hypothetical heavy fermions F ). On the other hand, the observed fact mt ~ ΛL = O(mL) (electroweak scale ΛL = 174 GeV) seems to reject the applying of the seesaw mechanism to the up-quark sector. However, recently, it has been found that, by tak- ing detMF = 0 for the up-quark sector F = U , we can understand the question of why only top quark has a mass of the order of ΛL without the sesaw-suppression factor O(mR)/O(MF ). For neutrino sector, the mass ma- trix Mν is given by Mν ? mLM?1F mTL (F = N), so that the masses mν are suppressed by a factor O(mL)/O(mR) compared with the conventional quark and charged lepton masses. The model can naturally lead to a large mixing sin2 2θ ? 1. Also another model is investigated within the framework of the universal seesaw model: the model leads to three sets of the almost degenerate two Majorana neutrinos which are large mixing states between the left-handed neutrinos νLi and SU(2)L×SU(2)R singlet neutrinos N1i (i = e, μ, τ), so that the model can give a simultaneous explanation of the atmospheric and solar neutrino data. ? Contributed paper to XVIII International Conference on Neutrion Physics and Astrophysics (pre- sented at the poster session), Takayama, Japan, June 4-9, 1998. ? E-mail: koide@u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp 1 1. Introduction Recent progress of the non-accelerator and accelerator experiments has gloriously accumulate


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