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替换与重复;除非修辞的需要,英语一般要避免重复;在英语中避免如下几种重复:;Close examination of the results of the investigation led to a reorganization of the department. Close study of the results of the inquiry led to a reorganization of the department.;2 词语重复;3 句式重复;4. 意义重复;翻译或写作时注意以下重复的意义;汉语则通过重复强化行文的语气和修辞,使语言生动有力。 英语宜采用替代、省略、变换等避免重复,使行文简洁、有力,符合英语民族心理习惯。;一、替代;一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济的反映,又给予一定社会的政治和经济以巨大的作用和影响。 Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society, and the former in turn has a tremendous effect and influence on the latter.;2 动词性替代;3 分句性替代;一个人的工作,究竟是三分成绩七分错误,还是七分成绩三分错误,必须有个根本的估价。 We must have a fundamental evaluation of a person’s work and establish whether his achievements amount to 30 percent and his mistakes to 70 percent, or vice versa.;英语多用代称,以避免重复;汉语多用实称,因而较多重复。汉语的代词远没有英语广泛。人称代词的使用是1917年新文化运动之后才出现的。 王力: 中国现代语里不大用‘它’,尤其是非动物。英语的‘it’译成‘它’很不顺口。;Flattery is more dangerous than hatred because it covers the stain which the other causes to be wiped out. 奉承远比仇恨危险,因为奉承掩饰人的污点,而仇恨却促使人们抹掉污点。 ;Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings—this is all the work of science. 收集资料,论证资料,提出理论,检验理论,并对研究成果进行归纳整理--这就是科学工作的全部内容。 ;二、省略;野心不仅是罪恶的根源,也是毁灭的根源。 阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿,写作训练人的思维。 说一个人自私,不是因为他只考虑自己的利益,而是因为他不顾邻人的利益。;Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. Reading exercises one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind. A man is called selfish, not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor’s.;One cannot learn to produce a sound from an explanation only, or get a correct idea of a flavor from a description: a sound must be heard, a color seen, a flavor tasted, an odor inhaled. 人不能只从讲解中学会发音,也不能光靠描述而体会某种滋味。声音必须耳闻,颜色必须眼见,滋味必须口尝,气味必须吸入。;三、变换;John’s bought himself a new Ford. He practically lives in the car. I don’t know where to stay when I arrive in New York. I have never been to that place. ;汉语大量使用重叠词使词语音节匀称、形式整齐,而且赋予词语以新的意义和感情色彩。在翻译中,宜广泛运用叠字叠词,增强语言的表现力。 ;The road was packed with



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