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For the College Entrance Exam Only ;本课重点知识: 2016.1.9 1. psychology n.心理学;心理 短语:child psychology 儿童心理学 变形:psychological adj.心理的 psychologist n.心理学家 习语:the psychological moment (做某事)最适当的时机;2. conflict v. n. 冲突,抵触;争论 短语:A conflicts with B A和B相冲突 a bitter(苦的)conflict 激烈的争论 a conflict of interests 利益冲突 eg. Your statement is in conflict with the rest of the evidence. 你的陈述同其余证据有矛盾。;3. pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 同义:entertainment n.娱乐 短语:entertain oneself 娱乐放松 eg. Photography is her favorite pastime. 摄影是她最喜欢的消遣。;4. session n. 会议;学年;一段时间 短语: the autumn session 秋季会议 a recording session 录制时间 eg. After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter. 我在健身房锻炼了几次以后,觉得身体好多了。;5.victim n. 受害者;牺牲者 短语:murder/rape victims 谋杀/强奸 受害者 eg. He is the victim of his own success. 他成了自己成就的牺牲品。;6. appear v.出现;显得,显现 短语:appear on the horizon 出现在地平线上 appear to do sth. 好像要做某事 = It appears that… eg. You appear to have made a mistake. 似乎你弄错了。 变形:appearance n.出现;外表外貌;7. catch - caught - caught v.抓住接住 短语:catch the bus 赶公车 catch a cold 得感冒 变形:catchy adj.悦耳易记的 catch-phrase n.名言警语 catch-word n.标题,眉题 常考:catch up with sb. 赶上某人;8. betray v.出卖,背叛 短语:betray one’s country/principles 背叛某人的国家/原则 变形:betrayal n. 背叛 betrayer n.叛徒;9. violate v.违反,违背 短语:violate an agreement 违背协议 violate the laws of physics 违背物理定律 变形:violation n.违反;亵渎 短语:in open violation of… 公然违背…;10. positive adj.明确的;确信的;积极的;正的 短语:positive instructions 明确的指示 a positive attitude 乐观的态度 a positive number 正数 eg. Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight? 你是否有绝对的???握那件事是在午夜后发生的?;本课重点知识: 2016.1.16 inform v.通知,告诉 短语:inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事 变形:informed adj.见闻广的,了解情况的 informer n.告密者,检举人 eg. Keep me informed of what happens. 有事随时通知我。 ;2. none 和 no one 的区别: ① none 既可指人,也可指物;no


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