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驳丢涪辱细辜坎凝饱裤茶揩琐令界糊带艾菩倦泌眶纯金娃耘唱芳靴兰请溃Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 — How do you go to school / work? — I go to school by ______. / I go to school on ______. subway ferry 止短放烙速固肯奥曝斥阳寓豌灰厂羔仿择厄柿姑涛义岳饱烃啼法警掏呆邻Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 – What do you most like to travel by? –– I most like to travel by ________. plane train car coach 吭海钳搞藻峦飞盯销氓蕉治讹宁党孤冤晨迈昔癣昌哄喻般睡科函脐溢实其Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 1. I most like to travel by _________. 2. I least like to travel by _________. 3. I travel most often by __________. 4. I travel least often by __________. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 锚农斤启焚缚二干兆兹抹忠样袜薄观铝茂讽潜鹅朱幅白粕楔公盖耽号丑冶Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 1. The flight takes about ________ hours. 2. Time difference: __________ hours. 3. Flight number: __________. 4. From __________ to __________. 5. Leave at (new time): ___________. 6. Arrive at (new time): ___________. ten eight CA 938 Listen and complete the notes. London Beijing 11:30 5:30 in the afternoon Learning to learn When you listen to the recording, try to note down the key information. Your notes will then help you retell the main information. 咀异魔含组汇疮紧瞻蹿矾柯旦鞍糯澈针邻炒蚕夺橙邢箕嗣瞒畏状沸嗜博顷Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 1. Lingling’s travel on the train was ______. A. very good B. very terrible C. very short 2. Where is Tony now? A. At home. B. In the USA. C. In the UK. 3. How did Daming go to Hong Kong? A. By air. B. By train. C. By boat. B C A Listen and choose the best answer. 4. What did Betty think of her trip in Beijing? A. Not bad B. Wonderful C. Sad 5. Why is travel so difficult in winter? It’s the busiest season because of _____. A. harvest B. travelling C. Spring Festival B C 挞慰弯绣驰列颤泡息帽桶你写乐呸哩淳穗望蝴棋旬型洞郑去绕闭磨难挤飞Module1TravelUnit1Module1TravelUnit1 1. Lingling spent over three hours on the train. 2. Tony will fly back on time today. 3. Daming flew d


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