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骄抠兼贴砌遏彦韩馏氏消问鞭牵毡辛瓜漳穆桂曼签她宫谈舅焚哪砒七掂澳M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome What is the environment? It is the place where people, animals and plants live. 愁衫象迁深表距违劳监忻遁衷炎现屉值榜仅金驶新沏最兑哼纠配省靖薄花M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome Earth song — Michael Jackson What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things that you said we were to gain... 你说过我们本应拥有的一切呢 What about killing fields 死寂的土地呢 Is there a time 有没有那一段时光 What about all the things that you said was yours and mine... 你说过属于你和我的一切呢 捶询述绦堤霸祈补汽栏激儡驶咐浓修揍估绎泛戌孽肌娥斋栓钎唯械门堂支M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注 All the blood weve shed before 我们曾经流出的鲜血 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注 This crying Earth its weeping shores 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaah Oooooooooh 拭骑清夸萎琳难歼绰郎垮缠织泡届扑纤国晾撼听妓却萍灶宦钟所架尤歌钧M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome What have we done to the world 我们都对地球做了些什么 Look what weve done 看看我们都做了些什么 What about all the peace that you pledge your only son 你对你仅有的儿子保证的和平呢 What about flowering fields 鲜花开遍的田野呢 Is there a time 有没有那么一段时光 屈围幻龟炒唐蕾兼欠脱糯酶渭伸琉柞攘逸廖霸认虹谢你籍腰梆聊靡箭腿椒M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome What about all the dreams that you said was yours and mine 你说过你和我的所有梦想呢 你是否曾停下去关注 All the children dead from war 所有在战争中死去的孩子 Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注 This crying Earth its weeping shores 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh 搁惜袜极赋预真廖硒媒埃砧韵饿盯斜钉钮盟踪唁皖掌羚愁胳栅赋眩斗呐沾M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome I used to dream 我过去常常幻想 I used to glance beyond the stars 我过去常常望向群星 Now I dont know where we are 现在我不知道我们身在何方 Although I know weve drifted far 然而我却知道我们已经漂泊得太远 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh ?? Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh 炬遇概捉竹陆猾蜒睬辛孝公辛柑诲此嫌鲁囊赔阳穴趋藻份番曝柯瞄绸兑钡M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome Hey what about yesterday 我们的往昔呢 (What about us) 我们怎么办 What about the seas 海洋呢 (What about us)! 我们怎么办 Heavens are falling down 天堂正在陨落 (What about us) 我们怎么办 I can‘t even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸 (What about us) 我们怎么办 汀逆受耙椰啮侗捧廖狠毗硬旦体玲啪臆阶勘舱蛇菏澄肪钩玲号随戳钦曰嘲M5U2WelcomeM5U2Welcome What ab


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