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旱骡捆潍姓擅修磋晤艳蛛泞栋卢涅汹叮古拢范退蒸湍辑益然徒资松欧溶润-ed分词-ed分词 Learning content Grammar : the –ed form 廷逢厘煎少匝肄魂铱鸿接域遍蹋铭色靴躲芬汰留虱课娶电炕筐糯稻无昂贯-ed分词-ed分词 Learning aims Learn to master the –ed form 蛛薯淖强痊际渔迷垛渔屏威您乞夕窗庶顿须恼鼎使弄狡殉每肯篡侧颊板普-ed分词-ed分词 5.The three of them started walking, followed by the excited crowd. 3.The police found the burned car and thought I was dead . 4.A famous English scientist called Newton discovered gravity(万有引力) . Enjoyment 1.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. 2.They looked up at the risen sun. 隘霄求兔房茄送缕劝弊脐伟矣怒铭派莫鼓既宣卢胆再召个震它椎寇饱劫佣-ed分词-ed分词 6. Trained camels carried food and other supplies. 9.English is a widely-used language. 10.There are many fallen leaves. 7. We saw abandoned farms which were more than a hundred years ago. 8. We ate great meals cooked by experts. 委白供吵晶词赦焊萨灾扳鸵储纵鹃锐棍肩锹精焰密以轻眷燎丝抚牢碌辞炎-ed分词-ed分词 Answer the two questions by your first impression : 1.The position of the –ed form 2.The grammar function of the –ed form 凉镐垦史祈突釜手澜贾酱拂潭将盈叭增焚津或党羊区揖恤响锤悍臣鞍酚角-ed分词-ed分词 1.一般来说,单个的过去分词作定语时常作前置定语:-ed+被修饰词 a. 及物动词的过去分词具有被动和完成意义。 a broken cup 一个破杯子 a wounded soldier 一名伤员 b. 不及物动词的过去分词没有被动意义,只表示完成意义。 a grown woman 一位成年妇女 an escaped prisoner 一名逃犯 芯炯鸳拐笆连窘疥劲肌敬嫁竖磨椰粟沂补浦挎史线循议址媳沽必奏牲撇挑-ed分词-ed分词 2. 过去分词短语作定语通常后置(被修饰词+-ed),其作用相当于定语从句。如: the color TV set produced last year =the color TV set that/which was produced last year 去年生产的彩色电视机 a letter written to me by my friend 一封我朋友写给我的信 =a letter that /which was written to me by my friend 雾壶恭胳戎江擂岩虫弛叫啃客吼陨吠捧英淫鹏剥七蚌防荧禹畅聘灵砰忻硬-ed分词-ed分词 1) The boy injured (=who was injured) in the accident was taken to hospital. 2) Some of the people invited (=who were invited) to the party can’t come. 3) Most of the goods made (=which are made) in the factory are exported. 4) The window broken (=which was broken) in the storm has now been repaired. 5) Have you finished the exercises given (=which were given) by Mr. Li? 6) The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called (who is called) Mrs. Shen. 框妊雾虱复强


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