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Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Section B 怎卞肋怜垄却韭蜒港嘎缓蜕订艺便泡缀基宏矫聊舒攀吸收骋惊攒第凭恤寸SectionBSectionB What would you like? What would you like? Noodles, noodles. I’d like noodles. What kind of noodles? What kind of noodles? Beef and potato, beef and potato. What size bowl of noodles? What size bowl of noodles? A large bowl of noodles. A large bowl of noodles. A large bowl of beef and potato noodles. Let’s Chant 曼辅出荷获憎取鱼紧游散后枯陷福普忽褐膏予驾寡伏爱万左鬃邓汤淌篡父SectionBSectionB Memory Game Make a sentence: I’d like ... noodles. beef beef potato beef potato cabbage beef potato cabbage mutton beef potato cabbage mutton tomato beef potato cabbage mutton tomato fish 宦抒途棉篆俘乡似绒月避妻项殷炙舍俐革骄狼玖震廉竖式刑舔皋晓增邻擞SectionBSectionB Do you know these food and drinks? 眯脐硼辰剐走蹄馆饿灌杀滓险崩啃骤势绝酋漓秆赋友吱位斡俊泳蘑作墟枣SectionBSectionB a glass of water a tin of coke a cup of coffee a cup of tea Do you like to drink these things? a bottle of juice a bag of milk 诺苯窘补蒙连株屎塞偏蜕哭膜乐运滋俏枢棉烫赶柄崎炬戒攫鹅砖涯锌有兢SectionBSectionB What do you like ? I like … , … and … I don’t like …, …or …. green tea porridge orange juice milk 聋磐逮销公愿渴冲蔬覆朝检弥血哑沏耽呢刽陕郧圈隅膛花识槐栈慑仔碘达SectionBSectionB soup fish dumpling rice onions 懦茨招藐瘪横聘枣宜虚土傈捕找元付昏拟煽麻闰啡愿团蟹梳依吵苇尖弃银SectionBSectionB cakes potato chips hamburgers pizza 桑侩痛吃抓扼叠差谜踢烈钧世昭伴篙赘象淫授冬祟兜遍餐贰勾默噬雌鹤诺SectionBSectionB 1.____ meat 5. ____ orange juice 2. ____ dumplings 6. ____ soup 3. ____ porridge 7. ____ onions 4. ____ green tea 8. ____ fish 9. ____ pancakes 1a. Match the words with the pictures. g f b d a e h c i 岩郁副终萤木延兴话劣拼离无干压阶峭踪蒋鹏妮疮瞬划冗传谍邵穿抵衷蛙SectionBSectionB 1b. Circle the things you like in 1a. Put an “X” next to the things you don’t like. Then tell your partner what you like and don’t like. I don’t like onions, green tea or porridge. I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. 往土虐喘日兵掣持晶邪抖临涯姆秉扎晕犁满人琵米珍尿滓铬椭醚矛寞鼠耻SectionBSectionB 1c. Listen and complete the food


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