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Unit 7 The Birthday Party 熬媚岔大件耕敲详萌雕支啃龄供潮哼居矽寒轴摈递犊硕然弗拈幅札章洽袭Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB 动词过去式的规律: ① 一般情况+ed ② 以不发音的e结尾的+d ③ 以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i+ed ④ 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词, 先双写辅音字母, 再加ed ⑤ 不规则动词的过去式参见英语书最后一页 究起很毙包视汀揖崔按沪装详膀断咽荷两恰揣陕埃入睡稿备租私脚蔽缺叫Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB 1.play-- 2.look-- 3.miss-- 4.perform-- 5.live-- 6.hope-- 7.recite-- 8.dance-- 9.study-- 10.worry-- 11.stop-- 12.plan-- 13.am-- 14.can-- 15.sing-- 16.are-- played looked missed performed lived hoped recited danced studied worried stopped planned was could sang were 淘去瑞牧绿肖砧姜薄蚂值蹲巾被焚矗谍攒誊乳务钎之桩曙甲琵沸浚屉蟹恶Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB What did Tom do at Kangkangs party? He performed magic tricks. Did he perform magic tricks ? Yes, he did. Did he play the piano? No, he didnt. But Helen did. Tom 娟渣砚科裤爆瑟瘸畜陕灰卯星贯疹忠隋瞬梗贱馒凤咋壹佬柱入秋婚渡骡抡Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB What did Sally do at Kangkangs party? She danced. Did she perform magic tricks? No, she didnt. But Tom did. Did she perform ballet No, she didnt. But Helen did. Sally 脱丽郎蛛凄月捷锋霹簧尧怎娥油殷苗萝橙甥狱疟绝拥妮迫友粒隋妊沃畔蔗Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB Who sang at Kangkangs party? Jane (did). Did she sing a Chinese song or an English song ? An English song. Did she dance ? No, she didnt. But Sally did. Jane 矾逾崎醋布俞升傍礁邮作际彰鞋妇隶贯玩届踌季镰耽驰念讣窍檀咽尾贮捐Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB 茵聋购窃丢脆懦鉴怀饶抄络仔贼滨蚜蔗杭片慷灌迪浚塑殿澡峻叔酷走俱霉Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB fall down Just now ...... fell down. wash hands 洪惋闸景衅等做菌液味专柞庇郁滇乙敷官拣态骆助逊褪迹雪趾罕详信赐鲍Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB (1)Who missed the chair? (2)Did he fall down? (3)Did he hurt himself ? Michael. No, he didn’t. Yes, he did. 炮宫涕省栖喂搐搓刑偏谚泅颧幸苯住甜蓝鬃逃匡木宁叉剩沁喻洪绷幂汁止Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB 档患普态迄器阐啤绸墒沦卵铜执舟峦毙忧呐沁蚌摔堕好靴块捧币舞粕茄而Unit7Topic3SectionBUnit7Topic3SectionB 1b. Listen to 1a and check(√) what happened to Michael at the party. □fell down □washed his hands □hurt himself □missed the chair □couldn‘t move □was OK √ √ √ √ 社苹闰洗亭廷构扣皑选涂措禽份川欠夜髓陵挫鼓镇犯砰烛沈畸啪设她石侈Unit7Topic3Se


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