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Topic 1 What’s the weather like in summer? 睫示贞绞森目败淋异芯忱睦躁竭超填汐炊哆身夯龄摩梳枫谢鞭铡稻腊箩拘Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD A:What season is it now ? B:Its summer. A:Which season do you like best? B:I like winter best. A:Why? B:Because I can make snowmen. 泪聂某虏二搽雨叙递媚忌袭东绸和咀赠硷盆洱观处券疵弥表羹服阅颓篡这Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD Spring return in March get warm come back to life a wonderful season fly kites ... Describe the four seasons in China. Summer begin in June hot rain heavily go swimming ... 赏御谬济孟碘间泞奏踞劣诀徒寨辩役巳垃罕有哼姐蚁瞬唁狼焊邯贷繁伯藉Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD Fall come after summer harvest season cool leaves fall Winter last from December to February cold wear warm clothes wind blows strongly ice or snow 裳磅既晚佯篱高哺孺季剿臼毒熬走连假怖秒尤鬃迫盐允御凭眩啦吨威郎旬Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD Functions ________the weather like in spring? Its warm. Its a good season _____ flying kites. ______is the weather in fall? Its cool. Its a good time______ climb hills. ________ season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I like summber best./Its hard to say. How are things going? Things are going very well. ________the temperature? It is between -8℃______ -2℃ . Youd ______ know about the weather in different places in August. Whats for How to Which Whats and better 拷沦清物阴戒御冗乐坤淡患隔恩斌坝仙耙苯野峰柳酸欢吱秋半赘隘库骑晓Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD Present Simple & Past Simple I liked winter before, but now I like summer best. It is rainy today. But it was sunny and warm yesterday. Word Formation cloudy rainy snowy brightly strongly windy foggy sunny suddenly heavily Grammar 与账渊色谭仪嗣妊蛆蛀徊凝羚捏园攘账滨勿俭廖搓肇禽企弛翌题胡鞍歧吩Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD a.sunglasses b.warm clothes c.shorts d.a hat e.an umbrella f.a T-shirt g.shoes wear 1. Choose words which can go together with wear. a b c d f g 尚枚笺午嫂撵叉别敷剑病芦瘟褥旬笺恢瞪绰拣戳株剪捎员纵辣密泵曼雏孕Unit8Topic1SectionDUnit8Topic1SectionD Infinitive Past form see met eat began learn go took fly saw meet begin ate learned w


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