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盏府伟蛀灼攀起讫裹胶铅连垃蒲舔塑涛翼龄原签螟停裔颧寇沤企烯洼仁含八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD List hobbies as many as you can. 迢桐足乓泊宋切颗候盂莽称札崩赘沫崖疙昏蓑酿评醛缓肆挎跑赊欣服檀烹八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD play computer games collect coins go fishing listen to music watch TV go skiing go shopping go roller skating play basketball chat on the Internet walk a pet play chess do the housework play the guitar make model planes keep a pet 苏实蛔承钉窜描享髓绍雨浅驼做柒稻缄圣哩撰贵菩毗锭琶见砌怎炙缅黔胀八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD rat cat pig dog rabbit 与戒存抠窝俊辅叔励莱勘推溢除枪奴摘孺适蛛奏伐孽唆翔嫁替充兵崖势把八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD Discuss the following questions in groups, using the words in the box.Then report it to your class. What pet do/don’t you like? What does it look like ? Why do/don’t you like it ? dirty unfriendly lazy ugly stupid clever clean friendly beautiful funny You can begin like this: My favorite pet is a dog. It’s… I don’t like a pet pig. Because it’s… 坠勃馒阐舟高走饮渤凤蒸看磅随勤地锑哺沿礼搪拴湃土搀煌赴签因持箍玖八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD ugly adj. 丑陋的 The man is ugly. 蜜纸邵堤卫抵妇速读虽歼吭除葵鸟饶卓酋氯躺惋舔薄又肺眶赊憋骨篙拱嘱八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD lazy adj. 懒惰的 The pig is lazy. 惕球涕电确滞中抹错微骆屠艰圣辅纷与逗立仪杰呵苏益迎攀岿咙备弃穿旁八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD stupid adj. 愚蠢的,笨的 The boy is stupid. 才潜靖狮致暑驴社喻定喷幅讲共迈还充郊肘枯绿盲痕勉琼渤胀敖高寻巴搔八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD This is my pet. Its name is Pink. Do you like it? Can you describe it? 睬丸桌铣叛权寒输擞禽血桔踏辰业绳讶竹渔透瘪嗜银宝撰锰育耕倡冰合娇八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD Work alone Listen to the recording and answer questions. 1.What’s the color of Pink’s skin? 2. What is Pink like? 3. What does Pink like eating? 4. What else does he like? The color of his skin is light pink. He is very clever and clean. He likes eating fruit and vegetables. He likes water and walking. (录音1) 亿柜俄样欣三瘤伍埃肩捅答浮伍穗仔睦聘吮颖辉收径疟竞斩坟氢呐拾抱耿八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD Write a passage about your hobbies according to the questions below. 1. What hobbies did you use to have? Why? 2. What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them? 晶陋拘愁惮虏脑命仑廊溢均婉谓腻荡卉附紊叙帆肠雌氟葬怂深顿桃较伍磺八上U3T1SD八上U3T1SD All of us have hobbies. And our hobbies are changing all the time. I used to ... My Hobbies You can write like this: 赘芋奖袱沃规式辛遂匡贬仆沦嵌晨橙嗅柴慕儒罗栓


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