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昭仁中学 八年级 年级 英语 学科导学案 科目 英语 内容 Lesson25 课时 41 年级 八年级 编写人 曹娟 授课人 审核人 班级 小组 学生姓名 时间 学习目标 Words and phrases 重点 Sentences and expressions 难点 Sentences and expressions 教学过程: 因材施教 以学定教 学习过程: 先入为主 自主学习 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词. 1.How much must I p______ for the bag? 2.He said that we need some a______ to push our product. 3.My father is g______ to go abroad next year. 4.I spent three days in f______ my homework. 5.The teacher knows t______ he is a good student. 6.Tom’ s mother often b_____something delicious to eat. 个案补充 1、汇报:展示学习成果2、导学:明确学习目标 预 习 案 3、交流:合作探求新知 探 究 案 II.用所给词适当形式填空。 Have, well, watch, be, repair 1.My mother will bake something_____ for me. 2.She spends 200 yuan in _______ the computer. 3.Each student______ to have P.E.classes. 4.Each of the pictures ______ very beautiful. 5.They are going to ______a movie in the movie in the movie theatre tonight. 4、检测:强化变式训练 5、延伸:评价拓展提升 检 测 案 III.单项选择. 1.__How much is your hat? __I ______ twenty yuan for it. A cost B paid C took D gave 2.We need to ______ money in order to live a better life. A.rise B.raise C.lift D.take 3.Each of them _____ a dictionary. A.who B.has C.get D.own 4.Do you know _______ our English teacher comes from England? A.who B.what C.whose D.that 5.Making more money _____ not easy for us. A.is B.are C.am D.be 我的 收获 昭仁中学 八年级 年级 英语 学科导学案 科目 英语 内容 Lesson26 课时 42 年级 八年级 编写人 曹娟 授课人 审核人 班级 小组 学生姓名 时间 学习目标 Words and phrases 重点 Sentences and expressions 难点 Sentences and expressions 教学过程: 因材施教 以学定教 学习过程: 先入为主 自主学习 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1.He knock the door w_____I was watching TV at home. 2.The little girl is a ____to face strangers. 3.The girl couldn’t a the book because she didn’t have enough money. 4.There are many beautiful dresses for s in the clothes quickly. 5.The little boy c up to his mother and hugged her very quickly. 6.Could you pass me a p of paper? 个案补充 1、汇报:展示学习成果 2、导学:明确学习目标 预 习 案 3、交流:合作探求新知 探 究 案 II.用所给词适当形式填空。 Safe play machine go


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