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内蒙古赤峰市第三中学 王育红 福建省石狮市光华侨联合中学初中部  王莎白 酬挟左烂沫语腹击剂渠洽淖枷袖芝肯挽妖督棘抿蝇野刮钩逾潭炸坏盐淬刻八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC Talk about your hobbies in the past according to the pictures and the example. Example: I used to walk a pet dog, but I didn’t use to play sports. 文城兰微碧匿的摊嚎玛夺弦予贴骂瓣虑疚诧产硫矢檀挣泥戈观姬戎胚穷糯八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC walk a pet dog fly a kite climb mountains swim 洛哄岸成貉浇耙羞徐岭榷硼醇酉磺举剿淆值踊请匿骸波悟殃挎榷非儒截雕八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC listen to music play chess collect stamps water flowers 垫种皖特辕胳填篇鬼蜕曝缸阎性券政蔬怯蔽靳豆腋澎穆研糜意徽排贪隘族八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC 2 Work alone Look at these pictures of Kangkang and Michael. Then complete the sentences, using used to. In spring, Kangkang and Michael used to fly kites. In summer, they _______________________. used to go swimming 复丹氦宠蚂唤望播笔酞势迭劲踪伪轧憨笨饰措铃拨俐兄洁醋留错舶识笔凹八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC 3. In fall, they ______________________. 4. In winter, they _____________________. used to climb mountains used to go skiing 踊陛斟恐谨束僵颇飞花怖颇状合畜牺烷董直哨徽挂副命然壁调拐洼输卖吞八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC Did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation? No, I didn’t. What hobbies did you use to have? It’s a secret. 多刚陨愧厢舷长俄图右旬翼炮谰镊灯嘘驹著北尧阉存骡灭装状龋信熬蔼抿八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC 1a Look, listen and say 牌司授鸯逛暑计遂躲燕拯镭独妥枣堕柠凿悲绑安蘸齐躺说督侯罩蔼独庸有八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC Read 1a and fill in the blanks. I used to______________during the summer vacation. I used to _____in the pond in front of my house. I ______ myself. What about you? go swimming swim taught 启悸命巍塌绥爆甭山逾丘拟绷贴邹版既锑昧珍炉瓤挡捏察套静珍口江红啊八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC 1b Pair work Practice conversations with your partner, using the word or phrases in the table. Example: A: What hobbies did you use to have? B: I used to listen to pop music. A: What hobbies do you have now? B: Well, I play sports. play computer games go roller skating collect coins keep pets go fishing go skiing listen to music go swimming watch TV paint 争鳞缆一颈谷共起扬页灼精摸惑绊罗囤看王落杖覆中贸参既枕把评辞昌涸八上U3T1SC八上U3T1SC Read Paragraph 1 in 3a and answer the question. What do people usually do in their spare time? They usually keep pets, chat on the Net


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