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1- - 2015 National English Competition for College Students (Level B - Preliminary) 参考答案及评分标准 Part I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1—5 CBCAD Section B (10 marks) 6—10 BDADB 11—15 DACAB Section C (5 marks) 16—20 DCBBD Section D (10 marks) 21. desire 22. restlessness or irritability 23. escape problems 24. three or more 25. accessibility 26. indulge 27. immediate gratification 28. obsession with 29. powerful hook 30. virtual reality Part II援 Vocabulary, Grammar Culture (15 marks) Section A (10 marks) 31—35 BCDAC 36—40 ACDBC Section B (5 marks) 41—45 ADCBB Part III援 Cloze (10 marks) 46. among 47. equipment 48. What 49. other 50. less 51.Having compared 52. intellectually 53. indicators 54. development 55. who Part IV. Reading Comprehension (35 marks) Section A (5 marks) 56—60 TFFTF Section B (10 marks) 61—65 CAFGE Section C (10 marks) 66. Climate and geography. 67. In Europe, robes were associated with femininity and trousers with masculinity, while in China, they indicated different social status. 68. It means upper class. 2- - 69. They wore shorter skirts. 70. Because they vehemently rejected clothing with mixed gender and class messages. Section D (10 marks) 71. incentive and action 72. detrimental to 73. Perfectionists 74. perverse satisfaction 75. clear expectations Part V. Translation (10 marks) Section A (5 marks) 76. 母语以及语言多样性与个人的身份认同息息相关。作为创造性的源泉和文化表达的载体,它们对于 社会的健康也至关重要。语言还是促进发展和增长的要素。我们深知母语教育对学习成效的重要性。 母语教学是消除歧视和帮助边缘化人群的有效方法。作为知识的源泉,语言也是提高发展的可持续 性以及更和谐地调整我们与环境和变革之间的关系的出发点。 Section B (10 marks) 77. A person蒺s character isn蒺t determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat. 78. The year 2015 will witness the 750th anniversary of that prestigious British university. 79. Owing to their long-term separation from their parents, these children often lack the care and affection they need. 80. Ecological conservation is vital for the well-being and future of mankind, and it brings about historical opportun


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