
Comparison of photometric parameters of LSB and HSB edge-on galaxies.pdf

Comparison of photometric parameters of LSB and HSB edge-on galaxies.pdf

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Comparison of photometric parameters of LSB and HSB edge-on galaxies

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 0 0 7 2 4 2 v 1 1 7 J u l 2 0 0 0 The paper was presented as a poster at JENAM-2000 meeting (29 May - 3 June, Moscow, Russia) Comparison of photometric parameters of LSB and HSB edge-on galaxies. Bizyaev D.V. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia Abstract Photometric parameters of stellar disks and bulges for several edge-on galaxies from the Catalog of Flat Galaxies (FGC) were determined. We discuss a difference between photometric parameters of LSB and HSB galaxies from our sample. Also we present results of R CCD photometry of edge-on galaxy RFGC 3647. Depro- jecting this galaxy we show that it has thin LSB disk (central surface brightness 22m.2 in R) and high ratio of radial to vertical scale lengths. It is shown that initially gaseous disk of the galaxy was unstable and its velocity dispersion was low. Stellar disk of this LSB galaxy was not heated significantly since that time. 1 Introduction The main properties of LSB galaxies are low surface and volume density of stellar disks, low metallicity and star formation rates and they are more extended than ”normal”, HSB galaxies (see de Block etc., 1996, Bothun etc. 1997, Pickering etc.1994). The existence of LSB galaxies observed edge-on have remarked in papers of Karachentsev etc. (1992), in description of Flat Galaxies Catalog (Karachentsev etc., 1993). In works of Reshetnikov and Combes (1996, 1997, hereafter RC96, RC97) small sample of unwarped edge-on galaxies was investigated and some galaxies of the sample were suspected to be LSB galaxies. There was no studies of vertical structure of a sample LSB galaxies as well as a comparison of photometric parameters of LSB and HSB spirals obtained from observations of edge-on objects. We are using the sample of unperturbed galaxies from papers RC96 and RC97 for these purposes. The sample of the galaxies. Images of seven edge-on galaxies obtained in I (Causins) passband were taken at OHP observatory (Fra


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