Levy stable distribution and [0,2] power law dependence of acoustic absorption on frequency.pdf

Levy stable distribution and [0,2] power law dependence of acoustic absorption on frequency.pdf

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Levy stable distribution and [0,2] power law dependence of acoustic absorption on frequency

Lévy stable distribution and [0,2] power law dependence of acoustic absorption on frequency W. Chen Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, P.O. Box 8009, Division Box 26, Beijing 100088, China (chen_wen@iapcm.ac.cn) The absorption of acoustic wave propagation in a broad variety of lossy media is characterized by an empirical power law function of frequency, yωα0 . It has long been noted that exponent y ranges from 0 to 2 for diverse media. Recently, the present author10 developed a fractional Laplacian wave equation to accurately model the power law dissipation, which can be further reduced to the fractional Laplacian diffusion equation. The latter is known underlying the Lévy stable distribution theory. Consequently, the parameters y is found to be the Lévy stability index, which is known bounded within 0y≤2. This finding first provides a theoretical explanation of empirical observations y∈[0,2]. Statistically, the frequency-dependent absorption can thus be understood a Lévy stable process, where the parameter y describes the fractal nature of attenuative media. PACS numbers: 43.20.Bi, 43.20.Hq, 43.35.Bf, 43.35.Cg The effect of the dissipative attenuation of acoustic wave propagation over a finite range of frequency is typically characterized by a measured power law function of frequency yωαα 0= , y∈[0,2], (1) where ω denotes angular frequency, and α0 and y are non-negative media-dependent constants.1-3. The frequency-dependent attenuation is described by . Here E represents the amplitude of an acoustic field variable such as pressure, and z is the traveling distance. It is well known that the standard mathematical modeling approach using time-space ( )zωα?eEE = 0 1 derivatives of integer orders can not accurately reflect power law function (1) except for two extreme cases: y=0,2. Unfortunately, 0y2 exponents present in most media of practical interest. For example, sediments and fractal rock layers have y a


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