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收稿日期:2013-06-17;修回日期: 基金项目: 广州市属高校科研重点项目:基于Android的3D游戏引擎研究与实现(2012A164) 作者简介:曾青松(1976-),男,副教授,系统分析师,中山大学通信与信息系统专业博士生,主要研究方向:模式识别与数据挖掘,E-mail:qingsongzeng@163.com 中图法分类号:TP309.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8961(2013) 黎曼流形上ADDIN CNKISM.UserStyle的保局投影在图像集匹配中的应用 曾青松 广州番禺职业技术学院信息工程学院,广州,511483 摘要:目的 提出了黎曼流形上局部结构特征保持的图像集匹配方法。方法 该方法使用协方差矩阵建模图像集合,利用对称正定的非奇异协方差矩阵构成黎曼流形上的子空间,将图像集的匹配转化为流形上的点的匹配问题。通过基于协方差矩阵度量学习的核函数将黎曼流形上的协方差矩阵映射到欧几里德空间。不同于其它方法黎曼流形上的鉴别分析方法,考虑到样本分布的局部几何结构,引入了黎曼流形上局部保持的图像集鉴别分析方法,保持样本分布的局部邻域结构的同时提升样本的可分性。结果 在基于图像集合的对象识别任务上测试了本文所提出的算法,在ETH80和YouTube Celebrities 数据库分别进行了对象识别和人脸识别实验,分别达到91.5%和65.31%的识别率。结论 实验表明,该方法取得了优于其它图像集匹配算法的效果。 关键词: 黎曼流形;集合匹配;保局投影;协方差矩阵 Locality preserving projection on Riemannian manifold for image set matching Zeng Qingsong School of Information and Technology, Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, Guangzhou, 511483 Abstract: Objectives: This paper addresses the problem of image set matching in kernel learning approach, and a locality geometry structure preserved discriminant analysis based on a Riemannian manifold is presented for image set matching. Riemannian manifolds have been an effective way to represent image sets which are mapped as data points on the manifold. Then, recognition can be performed by applying the discriminant analysis on such manifolds. However, the local structure of the data points is not exposed in the discriminant analysis. In computer vision applications, the multi-view facial images are nonlinearly distributed, and features often lie on Riemannian manifolds with known geometry. Set-based matching methods utilize a set of images as input and model the probe set and gallery set individually. Hence, these methods can fully utilize the information provided by multiple images to obtain better matching and recognition accuracy. However, the popular learning algorithms such as discriminant analysis and support vector machines, etc., are not directly applicable to such features due to the non-Euclidean nature of the underlying spaces.


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