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、| !_ 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了.. Hello my dear friends, I’m coolmoon。 大家好,我是凉月。今天,和大家谈谈有关雅思阅读的一些问题和做题的技巧。 Today I’ll tell you something about the Reading part of the IELTS examination. Along with the development of the industry of studying abroad, an increasing number of people have to take the IELTS examination. In order to study in a better university or college, some candidates set their expectation on band 6.5, even 7. It is not an easy work, indeed. Fortunately, we have G-jing, a special data of IELTS which can only be found in China, and we have the test forecast. So, we can easily get a very high score in the Listening part of the examination, if you meet the Version of 50***. Also, you can use the Spoken G-jing to help you pass the Speaking part. Babybaby will give us the forecast of this part before every exam. Generally, you may take a very high score in Listening and Reading part, sometimes the speaking part, if you are good at oral English. However, the Writing part is not as easy as other 3 parts, it’s very difficult to get band 7 or more. Then, if you want to get a good total result, the Reading part is very important. It’s true that we also have the G-jing of the Reading part, but it is doubtfully really helpful for us. We only have the answers, and many of them are not the correct answers. We couldn’t see the original articles. So we should learn some skills to deal with this part. 呵呵,那么,我们开始罗。 想拿6.5或者7分,阅读是不能丢的!假如听力7.5分,口语6分,写作6分,阅读要拿7.5才行。如果口语或者写作能高一点,阅读也要7分。最低6.5。因此,可以说,阅读是高分的瓶颈,今天,凉月跟大家一起探讨阅读的方法,我们以A类阅读为主,G类也可以参考。 首先,我们要看一下阅读的评分标准(A类)。 Number of right answers Score = Number of right answers Score = 39-42 9.0 26-27 6.5 36-38 8.5 23-25 6.0 33-35 8.0 21-22 5.5 31-32 7.5 18-20 5.0 28-30 7.0 16-17 4.5 也就是说,想得7分,至少要做对28个。其实不难,3篇文章一共可以错12个,每篇能错4个呢。但是,很多人感觉时间紧,定位难,选起答案来找不着谱。那就需要系统的总结方法,并加以时日的练习,才能够攻克。 但是要明白,阅读这种东西呢,不是说说技巧就能够有所提高。技巧是重要的,但还是要有基础。理解了才能谈得上技巧。如果我告诉你西班牙语得满分的技巧,给你一份西班牙语的题,


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