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網格式資料 Raster Based Spatial Data 基本概念 Basic Concept ? ?網格?(grid)係由規則的?網格單元?(cell)所組成。每一個?網格單元?的特徵屬性通常以該網格單元內最多或最顯著之特徵屬性作為代表。但是也可以用不同網格來表達相同地區之不同屬性。 Grid is composed of structured cells. Attribute value of each cell commonly represents the most significant phenomenon in terms of volume, area, function, or other features. Different attributes are recorded in different grids (layers.) ? 在GIS領域裡, grid 與raster的意思相通。由於中英文語言使用上之習慣,?網格?的英文為grid;?網格式資料?則使用raster based data。 ? 在影像處理或者航遙測領域裡,網格單元(cell)亦稱之為?像元?(或?像素?pixel) In the field of image processing or remote sensing, cell is also implemented as pixel. ? 解析度是網格單元的邊長,相當於?精度?(precision)的概念。網格單元的邊長越長,解析度越低(差)。 Resolution, or precision, can be interpreted as the length of cell edge. The longer the edge is, the lower the resolution. ? 在航遙測領域裡,解析度亦稱之為?解像力?、?分辨力?、?分辨率?。 In Mandarin, resolution has many translations with the same meaning. ? 不同的領域中,尺度(scale)指涉了兩種概念:(1) 解析度,(2)grid涵蓋的整體範圍(extent)大小。GIS領域的scale通常指前者,並以extent指涉後者。 ‘Scale’ has two meanings, resolution and extent. In GIS, scale is commonly referred to resolution. ? 網格單元的形狀除了最常見的正方形之外,尚可以是長方形、三角形、六角形。 The mosaic of cells should cover the whole plane. Thus, the shape of cell can be square, rectangle, triangle, or hexagon. However, square is most common. ? 台灣地區的「數值地形模型」(Digital Terrain Model,DTM),以40M×40M之網格單元紀錄高程資料 (農航所測製,委由中央大學太空及遙測中心供應) 。可用於計算坡度、坡向、集水區、視域、等高線等地形分析。 Digital Terrain/Elevation Model (DTM/DEM) is a raster based data. In 1990s, Taiwan produced a DTM in a resolution of 40M×40M for topological analyses, such as slope, aspect, watershed, visibility, contour, etc. ? 每一網格單元均有一編碼。一般而言,以左上角為起點,自左而右,由上而下編排。(與向量式座標系統之原點在左下方不同)。 Each cell has a unique geo-code. As a convention, the origin is at upper left corner. The geo-codes are increasing rightward and downward. ? 每一網格單元之屬性意義必須加以明確定義。 The meaning of attribute value should be clearly defined. ? 該屬性值是網格單元中心點的值?或者網格單元內的平均值?總量? Does an attribute value represent the exact value at the center of a cell, or the avera


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