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Capture and release live cells;LIVE CELLS;Circulating Tumors Cells (CTCs) ;现代技术中捕获和释放CTCs的主要方法;基于亲和识别分离; Nanostructure Embedded Microchips for Detection, Isolation, and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells;Working mechsnism: When the two fabric strips of a Velcro fastener are pressed together, tangling between the hairy surfaces on two strips leads to enhanced binding. The proof-of-concept demonstration of the NanoVelcro cell-affinity assay lies in the use of a SiNS, which allows for Velcro-like interactions between the SiNS and nanoscale cell-surface components. Here, anti-EpCAM was grafted onto the SiNS as the capture agent, conferring specificity to such a cell-affinity assay for recognizing CTCs .;Anti-EpCAM is grafted onto a SiNS to confer specificity for recognizing CTCs.; (a) An anti-EpCAM-coated SiNS was employed to achieve significantly enhanced capture of CTCs in contrast to (b) an anti-EpCAM-coated flat silicon substrate。;T Lymphocytes ;Photodegradable Hydrogels for Capture, Detection, and Release of CD4 T-cells and CD8 T-cells ;Antibody printing on the photogel layer;We used PEG hydrogel as a coating for printing antibody arrays and capturing T-cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) suspension;The underlying substrate could be degraded to release a specific group of cells ;Thank you !


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