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Advantages of a 3D Cylindrical Water Scanner;Outline;TG-106;TG-106;足够大的扫描范围: Diagonal profiles of 40x40 cm2 with lateral buildup 5cm over scans. Suggested 75x75 cm2 in transverse size. The half field scan be extended 5 cm past the central axis. 相对较小体积的探头: Ion chambers with small volumes are generally preferred. Ref. detector shall be used for removing the instantaneous fluctuations or drifts in the incident beam output. 稳定的扫描结果: The chamber shall scan with the least amount of moving parts; Orient the detector mount so that it provides the highest resolution. Precautions: “Do not scan in the axial direction of the detector.” Adjust the step size to optimize the time and accuracy. ;三维水箱探头的选择;AAPM TG106;AAPM TG106;AAPM TG106;电离室的体积效应 Volumn averaging effect ; “Detector orientation plays an important role in profiles and penumbra measurements” – TG106 ;圆形水箱的优势,扫描方向的一致性;方形水箱扫描10x10的Cross-line和In-line Profile的对比;;The SNC125c is oblong to provide a sharper penumbra with the same signal.? This chamber is designed longer to work in the 3D SCANNER with the rotating diameter drive to always keep the chamber in the ideal orientation....its almost like having the signal of a 0.125cc with a penumbra closer to a micro chamber.;Positioning reproducibility with AutoSetup;3DS水箱的物理尺寸;圆形水箱的优势之一, 有效的利用空间。; 40 x 40 cm field at SSD 100 and Depths @ 30, 20, 10, 5, 1.53cm;3DS运动方式;3DS是目前唯一能实现AutoSetup自动摆位功能的三维水箱;传统水箱摆位调整流程;3D-Scanner自动摆位功能(Auto Set-Up) ;使用电动水平台和水面探测器来实现自动摆位;自动调节水平;自动调节水平;自动寻找Beam Center;调节水箱中心;自动摆位(Auto Setup)带来的好处;静电计集成在箱体上。 无需连接电离室的延 长电缆。减少使用水箱 收放电缆的时间 减少了延长电缆带来的 漏电流引起的噪声 ;水箱箱体仅仅需要两根连接线。 数据线接头可以很容易的穿过治疗室到控制室 数据线可以与Sunnuclear其他所有产品通用 ;参考探头支架使用金属 软管可以任意形状弯曲;3D SCANNER LiftTable;Measurement with 5 mm/s ;3D MiniLift?;3DS储水池推车;SNC Dosimetry 软件特点;SNC Dosimetry 软件??点; 所有TPS接口都开放 用户购买3DS可以在任意数目的PC安装SNC Dosimetry SNC Dosimetry还支持Sun Nuclear的其他设备包括 1D SCANNER, PC Electrometer ;


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