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-  PAGE 5 - 六年级数学提高练习卷4 姓名 成绩 从2,3,5,7,11这五个数中,任取两个不同的数分别当作一个分数的分子与分母,这样的分数有多少个?其中的真分数有多少个? From 2,3,5,7 and 11, pick two different numbers at random to be the numerator and the denominator of a fraction, how many fractions can be constituted? How many proper fractions among them? 如果a,b均为质数,且3a+7b=41,求a+b=? If a and b are both prime numbers, a multiplied by 3 plus b multiplied by 7 equals 41, please figure out the sum of a and b? 数一数,下图中有多少个三角形? Please find out how many triangles there are in the chart. 甲、乙两人同时从A地出发前往B地,甲每分钟走80米,乙每分钟走60米。甲到达B地后,休息了半个小时,然后返回A地,甲离开B地15分钟后与正向B地行走的乙相遇。A、B两地相距多少米? Mr. Jia and Mr. Yi travel from A to B at the same time, Mr. Jia walks 80 meters per minute while Mr. Yi walks 60 meters per minute. When Mr. Jia arrived at B, he took a rest for half an hour and went back to A. Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Jia ran into Mr. Yi. What’s the distance between A and B? 磁悬浮列车的能耗很低。它的每个座位的平均能耗是汽车的70%,而汽车每个座位的平均能耗是飞机的,那么飞机每个座位的平均能耗是磁悬浮列车每个座位的平均能耗的多少倍? Maglev train is very energy-saving. The average energy of its each seat is 70 percent of an automobile’s, while the average energy of an automobile’s each seat is ten twenty-firsts of a plane’s. How many times is the average energy of a plane’s each seat of a maglev train’s? A、B、C、D四位同学看演出,他们同坐一排且相邻,座号从东到西依次是1号、2号、3号、4号。散场后他们遇到小明,小明问:你们分别坐在几号座位。D说:B坐在C的旁边,A坐在B的西边。这时B说:D全说错了,我坐在3号座位。假设B的说法正确,那么4号座位上坐的是谁? Four students A, B, C and D went to see a show. They sat in the same row next to each other; the numbers of their seats are 1, 2, 3 and 4 from east to west. Empty after the show, they ran into Xiaoming who asked the seat number of each of them. D said:” B sat beside C, A sat on the west side of B.” But B said that:” D was completely wrong. I sat on the No.3 seat.” If B was right, who was on the No.4 seat? 如下图所示,长方形ABCD的长为25,宽为15。四对平行线截长方形各边所得的线段的长已在图上标出,且横向的两组平行线都与BC平行。求阴影部分的面积? As is shown by the following chart, the length of the rectangle


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