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There are many tales associated with the Chinese New Year,or Spring Festival as it is called. 关于中国新年,又称春节的起源,有很多传说。 2、From that time on,every New Year people set off firecrackers and other fireworks to scare away the last remaining monster on the earth——nian. 从那以后,每到新年,人们都用鞭炮和其他烟火把地球上最后一个怪物——“年”吓跑。 3、Today,red decorations and firecrackers remain an essential part of the colour and fun of the Chinese New Year. 今天,红色仍然是这一节日的主色,而放鞭炮依旧是新年的主要乐趣。 4、It was quite a struggle getting through the grating and the little golden fish lost quite a few scales in the process ,but at last he was free. 小金鱼费了很大劲,还掉了好几片鱼鳞,终于穿过了栅栏,获得了自由。 5、那只小金鱼轻而易举地游过了栅栏,竟然连一片鱼鳞都没有掉。 The little golden fish slipped through it without losing a single golden scale. 6、简而言之,80/20原则认为任何东西都有20%是重要的,有80%是不重要的。 In a nutshell,the 80/20 principle states that 20 percent of anything will be important while 80 percent will be insignificant. 7、成功人士会用绝大多数时间着力完成那20%真正重要的事情。 People who are successful will spend most of their time focusing on the 20 percent of things that really matter. 8、因为他小的时候一次事故使得双腿残废,从那以后,没有拐棍他哪也去不了。 The use of his legs had been denied him by a childhood accident ,and he could not move without crutches. 9、希腊人说智慧苦中求。 The Greeks say that we suffer our way to wisdom. 10、道格拉斯的痛苦加深了他对我们是谁这个问题的理解,作为印第安纳大学认知科学的教授,他对这一问题自有研究。 Douglas’s suffering deepened his understanding of who we are ,which he had developed as a professor of cognitive science at?Indiana?university. 11、菲尔森自2001年八月释放后,人们常常看到他在纽瓦克的酒吧里喝酒。 After his release from jail in August 2001,Fearon was regularly seen drinking in pubs in?Newark. 12、为了驳斥女人比男人更爱说话的观点,这位研究者用科学来对抗陈旧观念。 By disproving the notion that women were the chatty species,the researcher had thrown science up against stereotypes. 13、马蒂亚斯也许是第一个真正数的人,但他绝不是第一个对男女健谈程度差距提出质疑挑战的人。 Matthias may have been the first who actually counted ,but he was by no means the first to challenge the chat gap. 14、随着人口增加、财富增长和交通方式的改进,旅游业必将保持增长态势。 As long as the population increases,wealth increases,and transp


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