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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2014年7月19日雅思写作真题解析及高分范文 2014年7月19日的雅思考试已经结束了,本文结合了雅思写作高分 范文,对2014年7月19日雅思写作真题进行了点评和解析。7月26日还 有一场雅思考试,考生们继续加油哦! 2014年7月19日的雅思考试已经结束了,本文结合了雅思写作高分 范文,对2014年7月19日雅思写作真题进行了点评和解析。7月26日还 有一场雅思考试,考生们继续加油哦! 2014年7月19日雅思考试全科回忆(网友版) 【查看以往雅思机经】 【海量雅思真题】 7月19日雅思大作文真题回忆:健康类(遗漏话题) Some people believe that the government have the duty to ensure its citizens have a healthy diet,while others believe that it is individuals responsibility to care for their diet and health?Discuss both sides and give your opinion?有人认为政府有 责任保障公民有健康饮食,有人认为个人有责任关注个人饮食和健康, 讨论两种观点,给出你的意见? 点评:托福也有讨论两种观点的提问 思路拓展: 1. 政府加强对于食品安全的监管力度 2. 政府加强教育,提高民众的健康饮食的意识 3. 个人提高健康饮食的意识:多吃水果蔬菜,避免过度的糖分,脂 肪,热量的摄入 4. 个人养成规律的每日锻炼的习惯,增强自己的免疫力;愉悦心情; 缓解压力 主题观点:政府和个人应该是协同努力,最重要的责任在于个人 原创范文: 首段:背景介绍 + 作家立场: To lead a wholesome and active life might be the dream of every individual, unfortunately, busy pace of modern life sometimes deprives us of personal health. Happiness lies, first of all, in health. Health enables us to brave career challenges and harmonize family life. This essay aims to prove that a healthy diet derives from the efforts made by the government and everyone。 想要短期提升雅思考试成绩吗? 雅思名师1对1指导 二段:谈及政府如何保障人们的健康饮食 TV commercials and various ads are the underlying reasons of unhealthy dietary habit. After watching different vivid food ads on fast-foods, fried foods and carbonated beverage, unwise consumers will unavoidably be swayed by those negative propagandas. Imaginably, too much eating of cheese, ice cream, salty snacks and meat is physically detrimental. By that I mean, obesity or over-nutrition are now agonizing many families. Hence, it is the unshakable obligation of the government to ensure its citizens’ health. To illustrate, American government had formulated policies restricting the bundle sales of fast foods aiming at children. New Zealand government had enacted legislations imposing a heavy tax upon alcohol buyers and cigarette purchasers. 点评:American government had formulated policies restricting


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