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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2015年5月9日托福独立口语预测及解析 2015年5月9日托福考试将于这周六举行,对于报名这场考试的托 福考生们,对于新托福独立口语部分该重点复习哪些托福口语话题呢? 智课教育给大家推荐一篇2015年5月9日托福口语小范围预测的题目, 希望对大家的托福备考有帮助。 Task 1 1. What the some important effects of worldwide availability of internet on modern peoples life? Use specific details and examples to support your response. Well, internet does have a big impact on peoples lives, to begin with,it is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door. It is also easy to compare the prices offered by different on-line stores, the only thing you need to remember is that always to shop in a reputable on-line store. Plus, by signing up on a social network like facebook, MSN, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text messages to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant. 2. Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why? 1. Working as a home tutor 2. Helping adults 3. Helping old people If I were given a chance to do volunteer activities, I would help the seniors. Now there are more and more retirees in my country, and the nursing homes and senior center are not doing a very good job to help the seniors. There are quite a few things that I can do to help the seniors, I can read them newspapers, to help them get access to what is happening around the world. I also could assist them to tidy up their rooms so they might have a very good mood every day. Apart from that, I can just talk with them, seniors get lonely easily, and by interacting with them, they will feel a sense of belong to the community and that there are someone out there who care about them. With all the above reasons and more, I would volunteer to help seniors. 3. If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1. A recycle program 2.



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