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An Interview w ith Dr. Eugene Nida
JFL Correspondent
提要:著名美国语言学家和翻译家尤金 奈达博士访问上海外国语大学并参加 97 上外翻译研讨会期间, 曾接
关键词:翻译, 语言,文化
Abstract: Dur ing Dr . Eugene N ida s stay in Shanghai in October 1997, our JFL ( Journal of For eign L anguages )
correspondent had an interview w ith him. The follow ing tex t contains some of t he questions and answ ers concerning
t he relationship betw een the theo ret ical studies and practice of translation, between linguist ic and translation studies,
how culture is asso ciated w ith translation act ivities and his views on dynamic equivalence, on translatolog y and the
latest developments in translation studies and practice in Europe and Amer ica.
Key words: tr anslation, language, cultur e
JFL: Some people say that your theories concerning t ranslat ing are built on your experience
gained in t ranslating the Bible. What do you think about such statements?
Nida: I can w ell understand why people w ould think this, but in fact my basic principles about
translat ion developed long before I worked w ith Bible t ranslators. On the basis of my studies in
the Classics at UCLA I w as amazed to f ind that for the most part the Greek and Latin authors
had been much more intelligibly t ranslated than the Bible. Furthermore, my professors refused to
have us produce literal t ranslations since in their judgment such translat ions would inevitably re-
sult in students failing to appreciate the style of the Greek and Lat in tex ts. In addition, literal
translat ions also result in bad habits in w rit ing one s ow n language. M y g raduate w ork in Patris-
t ics at the University of Southern California and later doctoral studies at the U niversity of M ich-i
g an in linguistics and cultural anthropology further convinced me that for the most part Bible
translat ing falls far behind other t ranslat ing in intelligibility of content and acceptability of style
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