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第8卷第3期 2009年5月 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Hangzhou Normal University《Natural Science Edition) V01.8 No.3 May 2009 Article ID:1674—232X(2009)03—0173—07 Bernstein—Type and Steckin—Type Inequality(I) LIN Shao—b01,CAO Fei—lon92+ (1.College of Science,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China; 2.Department of InJormation and Mathematics Sciences-China jiliang University,Hangzhou,310018,China) Abstract:Bernstein and Steckin inequalities play an important role in approximation theory.For example, Bernstein inequality is the main tool to prove the Inverse Theorem and Embedding Theorem.This paper establishes the relation between weighted Bernstein—type inequality and Steckin-type inequality in a general system of multivariate function. Key words:Bernstein-type inequality;Steckin-type inequality)moduli of smoothness CLC numher:0174.41 MSC2000:41A17 Article character:A 1 Introduction In this paper,we always denote by竹a non—negative integer,and by C an absolute positive constant.We also use C(a1,a2,a3,?)to denote a positive constant depending only on a。(i=1,2,?). Let纪and咒denote the set of all algebraic and trigonometric polynomials of degree at most卵with real coefficients respectively.We denote by S a measurable set in R4.By L9(S),we denote the set of all continuous real valued functions and P—integrable functions on S endowed with the norms J厂lI。。.-||,||L一(s):=ess sup l厂(z)I z∈5 and ,:=II川以。,一{.『。i厂(z妇r∞,1≤夕。。. For the sake of brevity we set Dk(f)一希%, where志l+?+志d=忌.Then we denote by W;(S),r=1,2,?,the collection of functions for which D^一1 (/)is absolutely continuous and D^(厂)∈L’(S). Received date:2009—01—18 Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No,and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China(No.Y.7080235). Biography:Lin Shaobo(1983一),male。born in Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,graduate,majored in approximation theory. ’Corresponding author:Cao Feilong(1965一)。male,born in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province,professo


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