Cerenkov Counter for the BELLE Experiment T.Iijima a, I.Adachi a, M.Amami b, R.Enomoto.pdf

Cerenkov Counter for the BELLE Experiment T.Iijima a, I.Adachi a, M.Amami b, R.Enomoto.pdf

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Cerenkov Counter for the BELLE Experiment T.Iijima a, I.Adachi a, M.Amami b, R.Enomoto

BELLE KEK Preprint 96-21BELLE Preprint 96-3Aerogel Cerenkov Counter for the BELLE ExperimentT.Iijimaa, I.Adachia, M.Amamib, R.Enomotoa, R.S.Guoc, K.Hayashia, H.C.Huangd,R.Itoha, S.Kobayashib, Y.Kohashie, T.H.Liuf , D.R.Marlowf , S.Matsumotog,A.Murakamib, S.Ogawae, S.K.Sahud, H.Shibuyae, R.Sudah, T.Sumiyoshia,K.Tsukadaa, T.Tsukamotob, C.H.Wangi, M.Z.Wangc, Y.R.Wangd,M.Yamauchia, N.Yasudae, and Y.Yoshidaea) National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), b) Saga University,c) National Kaohsiung Normal University, d) National Taiwan University,e) Toho University, f) Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University,g) Chuo University, h) Tokyo Metropolitan University,i) National Lien-Ho College of Technology and CommercePresented at the 6th International Conference on Instrumentation for Experiments ate+e Colliders, February 29 - March 6, 1996, Novosibirsk, Russia,to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A.Corresponding author. E-mail: iijima@kekvax.kek.jp.1 AbstractIn the BELLE experiment at KEKB, a threshold Cerenkov counter system basedon silica aerogels will be used to provide a =K separation in the momentum regionfrom 0.8 to 3.5GeV/c. The detector design, recent progresses in RDs and resultsof beam tests are reviewed in this talk. 2 1 IntroductionParticle identi cation, in particular the identi cation of charged pions and kaons, plays animportant role for the studies of CP -violation in B-factory experiments. In the BELLEexperiment at KEKB, a threshold aerogel Cerenkov counter (ACC) will be used to extendthe momentum region beyond the reach of dE=dx and time-of- ight (TOF) measurements[1]. This paper gives a brief description of the detector design, recent progresses in RDsand results of beam tests.2 Detector designFigure 1 shows the design of the BELLE ACC system, which consists of a barrel ACC anda forward endcap ACC. The barrel ACC is a 900-element array, segmented into 15 and 60in z and  directions, respectively. The typical dimension of each module


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