Development techniques for deep complex fault block.pdf

Development techniques for deep complex fault block.pdf

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Development techniques for deep complex fault block

RESEARCH PAPER PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT Volume 35, Issue 4, August 2008 Online English edition of the Chinese language journal Cite this article as: PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2008, 35(4): 462–466. Received date: 18 December 2006; Revised date: 24 April 2008 * Corresponding author. E-mail: Foundation item: Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China . Copyright ? 2008, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved. Development techniques for deep complex fault block reservoirs with low permeability in Zhongyuan Oilfield DAI Sheng-qun1,2,*, ZHANG Chang-min1,2, YIN Tai-ju1,2, GONG Fu-hua1,2, ZOU Shi-lei3 1. College of Geoscience, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China 2. Key laboratory of exploration technologies for Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of education, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China 3. Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau, Sinopec, Puyang 457001, China Abstract: This article builds up the computational models of the minimum oil-bearing area, development investment, development profit, economic feasibility, decline rules, and economic reserve scale of deep low-permeability reservoirs. Study shows that the minimum oil-bearing area of the marginal reservoir is 0.02 km2; the economic threshold production is affected by reservoir burial depth, price of the crude oil, and operation cost of per ton of oil, of which burial depth and crude oil price are the sensitive factors affecting the economic production capacity; minimum reserve scale is affected by burial depth, recovery and consumption price of the crude oil and the operation cost of per ton of oil, of which burial depth and the consumption price of the crude oil are the sensitive factors affecting the economic reserve scale. Because of the increasing crude oil price, the original low efficiency or invalid reserves could be reestimat


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