DrumWare 03 (Prelim2).pdf

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DrumWare 03 (Prelim2)

system: contents: -wiring diagrams -circuit diagrams -control unit slot assignment -plan of terminal blocks -plan of control cabinet HTL INTERNATIONAL Copyright 2002 INCOTEC GmbH Printouts and copies only with written permission of INCOTEC GmbH = + date work customer file sh. check Cover Sheet DrumWare Retanning / Dyeing sheet 0 INCOTEC GmbH B l o m e s t r . 2 5 - 2 7 D - 3 3 6 0 9 B i e l e f e l d / G e r m a n y T e l ( + 4 9 ) -0 Fax (+49) www. incotec-automat P.Isert Modifications Prelim.2: p r e l i m i n a r y 2 -Sh.15-17: Relays K13-K22: description 24VDC added -Sh.21: Potential 104 -Sh.26: PLC Slot8: ARC -Sh.24: PLC Slot8: ARC -Sh.27: Several changes Drum 3 (39) HTL INTERNATIONAL Retanning/Dyeing DrumWare DW 3 10/02/02 of 38 DW3 =+ date work check customer file sh. t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s Table of Contents sheet 1 INCOTEC GmbH B l o m e s t r . 2 5 - 2 7 D - 3 3 6 0 9 B i e l e f e l d / G e r m a n y T e l ( + 4 9 ) 5 2 1 9 3 213 -0 Fax (+49) www. incotec-automat 000 Cover Sheet 001 Table of Contents 002 Remarks 003 Cabling 004 Operating Controls 005 Power Supply 006 Safety Device 007 Safety Device 008 Dig.In Power Switch Cab. 009 Crown Count, Preptank Input 010 Auxiliary Panel 011 Man./Automatic Mode 012 Dig.In Spare 013 Dig.In Spare 014 Signal Lamps 015 Drum Rotation Control 016 Drum Auxiliary Control 017 Drum Auxiliary Control 018 Dig.Out Control of Preptank 019 Output Spare 020 Analog Input 021 PLC: Slot 1+2 022 PLC: Slot 3+4 023 PLC: Slot 5+6 024 PLC: Slot 7+8 025 PLC: Slot 9+10 026 PLC: Overview Slot 1-10 027 List of Components 028 Assembly of Cabinet 029 terminal block -1X1 030 terminal block -1X2 031 terminal block -1X3 032 terminal block -1X4 033 terminal block -1X5 034 terminal block -1X6 035 terminal block -1X7 036 terminal block -2X 037 terminal block -2X3 038 terminal block -5X1 P.Isert of 38 HTL INTERNATIONAL Retanning/Dyeing DrumWare DW 3 10/02/02 =+ date work customer file sh. check Rem


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