
Functional relations in Stokes multipliers - Fun with $x^6 + alpha x^2$ potential-.pdf

Functional relations in Stokes multipliers - Fun with $x^6 + alpha x^2$ potential-.pdf

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a r X i v : q u a n t - p h / 0 0 0 3 0 6 6 v 2 3 A p r 2 0 0 0 Functional relations in Stokes multipliers - Fun with x6 + αx2 potential- J. Suzuki ? Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya, Shizuoka 422, Japan February 1, 2008 -Dedicated to Professor R. J. Baxter on the occasion of his 60-th birthday- Abstract We consider eigenvalue problems in quantum mechanics in one dimension. Hamil- tonians contain a class of double well potential terms, x6 + αx2 , for example . The space coordinate is continued to a complex plane and the connection problem of fundamental system of solutions is considered. A hidden Uq(g?l(2|1)) structure arises in ”fusion relations” of Stokes multipliers. With this observation, we derive coupled nonlinear integral equations which characterize the spectral properties of both ±α potentials simultaneously. Key words: Spectral determinants, Stokes multipliers, fusion hierarchy, nonlinear integral equations ?e-mail: 1 1 Introduction The eigenvalue problem of a one-body 1D Schro?dinger operator is the most fundamental subject in quantum mechanics. Still, it provides vivid materials of research. Besides a few exceptions where eigenvalues and wavefunctions are obtainable explicitly, one may employ several tools for analysis, e.g., the perturbation theory, the variational approach and so on. Among them, the exact WKB method [1]-[8] is unique in the sense that it provides non-perturbative information on the analytical structure of wavefunctions and spectral properties. We analytically continue x, original coordinate variable, to a complex number. The whole complex plane is divided into several sectors. In each sectors, there are two linearly independent solutions , as Schro?dinger operator is the 2nd order differential operator. They are referred to as the fundamental system of solutions (FSS) in the sector [18]. The relations among FSS in different sectors are central issue in the connecti


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