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2 V o l. 34 N o. 2 2006 2 A C TA ELECTR ON ICA SIN ICA Feb. 2006 Petri 1 2, 1 2 1 林 闯 , 王元卓 , 杨 扬 , 曲 扬 ( 11 , 100084; 21 , 100083 : , . , . P etr i( SPN , Pe tr i , . Pe tri , . : ; ; P etr i; ; : TP3911 7 : A : 0372-2 112 ( 2006 02-0322-11 Research on Network Dependability AnalysisM ethods Based on Stochastic PetriNet 1 2, 1 2 1 L IN C huang , W AN G Y uan- zhuo , Y ANG Y ang , QU Y ang ( 1. D epa rtm en t of C om pu ter Science and T echno logy, T sin ghua U n iversity, B eijing 100084, Ch ina ; 21Inform a tion Engin eering Schoo l, U n iversity of Scien ce and T echno logy o f Beijin g, B eijing 100083, C h ina Abstract: W ith peop le rely m ore on com pu ter netw orks, the study on the dependab ility of netw ork s is in- creasingly sign if icant. First the paper p rov ide s insigh t about the m ain def in ition s and attr ibutes related to depend- ab ility, and classif ies and com pare s the generalm odels for dependability. On the basis of the syn the sis, the m odel- ing and analy sism ethod s u sing S tochastic Petr iN et ( SPN for the netw ork sy stem dependab ility arem ain ly inv es- tigated. The serv ice failure and fau lt to lerance SPN m odels and the calculating m ethod s of m ain dependab ility at- tr ibute s are ex am ined. T he ex isting p roblem s and app lications of SPN are concluded that concern the dependab ility of netw ork



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