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道教名山 祈福圣地 齐云山风景名胜区,位于休宁县,古称白岳,与南北相望,风景绮丽,素有“黄山白岳甲江南”之誉,因最高峰廊崖“一石插天,与云并齐”而得名,乾隆帝称之为“天下无双胜景,江南第一名山”。斑斓恢弘的山水画卷 早在唐代,道教即传入齐云山,历经宋、元两,基业初奠。明代嘉靖正一派修建道院,完善道规,从齐云山香火日盛成为江南道教活动中心色丰厚的文化底蕴。千百年来,文人墨客、显官巨贾纷至沓来,羽冠以一睹神山秀水为快事,或赋诗题词,或树碑为记,留下了极为丰富的珍贵文化遗产。目前齐云山除了道教的宫、殿、等108处外,尚有摩崖石刻和碑刻537处,主要分布于真仙洞府、石桥岩和紫霄崖一带,年代上起北宋年间,下接当代书画名家,俨然历代书法大展览,构成了令人神往的人文景观Sacred Taoist mountains blessing Qiyun Mountain scenic area, located in Anhui Province Xiuning territory, called the white mountain, and Huangshan North sea, beautiful scenery, known as Huangshan mountain A white South, reputation, because the peak Gallery Cliff, a stone inserted days, and together with the cloud, derived name, Emperor Qianlong called Odyssey attraction, the first South Mountain. Area within the array of landform, cigarettes filled the Road homes execution ground, dotted with carved stone, graceful and restrained the formation of a gorgeous garden Huizhou grand landscape volumes. ???? As early as the Tang Dynasty, Taoism that incoming Qiyun, after the Song and Yuan dynasties, lay the foundation first. Ming Jiajing, is one group the throne of Emperor Zhang Tian Praying come true, Dragon Heart big Yue, Chi Jian, Tien Tai Su Palace, the construction of said hospital, improve road rules, from Qiyun famous, incense malpractice, has become South Taoism activity center. Located in Chinas first champion in this county - Xiuning within four Taoist mountains of China, in addition to days open Shenxiu beautiful scenery, more importantly, contains a rich cultural heritage. Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing 560-year history, from the surrounding mountain out of a total of 19 civil and military champion, 1312 lifts, Xiuning also become known as Chinas first county champion; ages, these students are in Linkao Qi Yun came to burn incense before the middle of all pray and worship, and got what they wanted after the donations to schools for the benefit of Hsiang-tang. Wenchang Pavilion, the dream real bridge, the Millennium ancient



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