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题 目 仙女虾遗传多样性的分子检测体系建立
系(院) 生物与食品工程系
年 级 2012 级 专 业 生物科学(农业生物技术)
班 级 (1)班 学 号 060912110
学生姓名 秦 涛
指导教师 韩晓磊 职 称 实验师
论文提交日期 2016年5月20日
摘 要
仙女虾学名“枝额虫(Branchinella)”,是属于“钗额虫科(Thamnocephalidae)”的一种水生动物,其生命周期较短。该属物种在地球上生存已经超过两亿年,与恐龙同时代,以休眠卵渡过干旱时期,现存的该属物种起源较早,对研究生物进化有重要科学意义。本研究通过设计正交实验,分别从TagDNA聚合酶、引物和Mg2 +共3种PCR原料因素的3个水平,筛选并确立了仙女虾ISSR- PCR反应最佳体系,然后通过温度变化梯度进行PCR,确定了适合的退火温度。根据所建立的ISSR-PCR反应体系,对仙女虾样本进行检验,结果显示,成功获得了清晰、重复性好、多态性高的DNA谱带。为后续该属种进一步的科研探究提供了重要的依据。
关键词:仙女虾 ISSR 正交试验 分子检测
Establishment of molecular detection system for genetic diversity of Branchinella thailandensis
Fairy shrimp scientific name branch amount of insect (branchinella thailandensis), belongs to the hairpin forehead worm, a species of aquatic animals, its life cycle is shorter. This species has been living on the earth for more than two hundred million years, and the age of the dinosaurs, in order to survive the drought of dormant eggs, the existing species of the origin of the earlier, the study of biological evolution has important scientific significance. This study through the orthogonal design experiments, respectively TagDNA polymerase, primers and Mg2 + from a total of three kinds of PCR in raw factors 3 levels, screening and established the fairy PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT VII
shrimp ISSR PCR optimal reaction system, and through the change of the temperature gradient by PCR to determine the suitable annealing temperature. According to the established ISSR-PCR reaction system, the fairy shrimp samples were tested, and the results showed that the DNA bands with clear, good repeatability and high polymorphism were obtained successfully. It provides an important basis for the further research of this species.
Key words: fairy shrimp ;ISSR ;orthogonal test ;molecular detection