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The Pursuit of Happyness;;I have watched an encouraging movie which named “The Pursuit of Happyness”.It is based on a true story of famous self-made millionaire Chris Gardner. 我看过一个鼓舞人心的电影:《当幸福来敲门》,它是基于一个真实的百万富翁Chris Gardner白手起家的故事。 ;Will Smith .....Chris Gardner ;*;The story is as follows: Chris was an ordinary salesman rushing about persuading doctors to buy his scanners.Though he was diligent enough, the scanners was not popular with people.Sometimes, Chris could hardly sell out one. 这个故事是这样的:Chris是一个平凡的推销员,不停奔波去说服医生买他的扫描仪。虽然他足够勤奋,但是扫描仪并不被人们看好。有时侯,Chris几乎不能卖出一台扫描仪。 ;It could be seen that Chris could not improve his family life through his hard work.What was worse, his wife Linda left him because of the hard life. However, Chris did not give in and give up.He tried his best to build a happy life for his little son and finally he became a successful investor. 可以看出,尽管Chris努力工作,但始终未能改善其家庭生活。更糟糕的是,他的妻子Linda因为艰苦的生活而离开了他。然而,Chris没有屈服也没有放弃。他尽了最大的努力去和他的小儿子建立一个幸福的生活,最后,他成了一名成功的投资者。 ;Chris Gardner is a salesman. He works hard, but overall no way to make a better life at home. ;His wife, Linda, can not endure the pressure of supporting the whole family and left him, leaving her 5-year-old son, Christopher. ;He not only suffered the dead-end down, but also became a single father. Chris has only 21 dollars and could not pay the rent, so he and his son were thrust out of the apartment.;Chris finally got the chance to practice at a prominent investment company, however, there was no salary during the internship, and 90 percent of the people had no ultimate success. ;But Chris understood that this was his last chance, it was the only way leading to a happy life. No income, nowhere to go, all Chris had was the sensible son’s unconditional trust and love.;They were homeless at night, slept in shelters, subway stations, public bathrooms, and open spaces, they did not have food to eat in daytime and had to live on the dole.;He was frustrated with poverty, but with regard to hi


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