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华中科技大学毕业设计论文 PAGE   PAGE 18 摘 要 灾难性报道因其本身的突发性和强烈的悲剧色彩带给受众的冲击力是相对最大的,很长一段时间以来,因为心理危机干预、心理援助还不是比较成熟的领域,还没有引起媒体足够的重视,而每次灾难发生时,媒体手中有了更大的权利,而更大的权利无疑意味着更大的责任,不但要对报道的内容负责,也要对受众负责,对社会负责,媒体不仅要传递真实信息、正确引导社会舆论,也要关注受众心理 。2008年5.12大地震,是对中国媒体的一次大阅兵,在此次灾难中媒体突破报道瓶颈,无论是对灾民的心理援助,还是对来自全国乃至全世界的关注给予了满意的答复,本文将在分析中国媒体对灾难事件如何应对的基础上,提出并分析这些对受众心理的影响。 关键词:汶川大地震 灾难性报道 受众心理 Abstract Catastrophic coverage for their own sudden and strong colors give the audience the tragedy of the impact is relatively the largest since a long time, because of psychological crisis intervention, psychological assistance is not the more mature areas, has not attracted media enough attention, every time a disaster happened, the media has a greater right to the hands, while no doubt greater rights mean greater responsibility, not only responsible for the contents of the reports, but also for the audience is responsible, socially responsible , the media not only to convey the true information, correctly guide public opinion, should also pay attention to psychological audience. 5.12 massive earthquake in 2008, the Chinese media are a major military parade, at the disaster the media reported a breakthrough the bottleneck, whether the victims of psychological assistance, or from the country and the worlds concern to give a satisfactory reply, the paper Analysis of the Chinese media in case of disaster how to deal with on the basis of analysis of these proposed and psychological impact on the audience. Key words: Catastrophic wen chuan earthquake Reported psychological audience 目 录  TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001870 摘 要  PAGEREF _Toc226001870 \h I  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001871 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc226001871 \h II  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001873 1 灾难性报道与受众心理分析  PAGEREF _Toc226001873 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001874 1.1 灾难性报道与受众的注重心理  PAGEREF _Toc226001874 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001875 1.2 灾难性报道的优先知觉  PAGEREF _Toc226001875 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc226001876


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