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第四学时 Grammar;情态动词(二) 1. ought to 的用法 (1)表示应该,多指客观上有责任有义务干某事。语气比should 强烈。其否定形式为 ought not to (oughtnt to) +动词原形。 You ought to give your seat to the old lady. 你应该给老太太让座。 We oughtnt to be careless with our homework. 我们不应马马虎虎地做作业。 ought to,must和 have to 的区别:;must 强调主观看法, have to 强调客观需要, ought to 表示义务和责任。 You must finish your homework before 5 oclock. 你必须在 5 点前完成作业。 Youll have to be there before 5 oclock. 5点前你得到那里。 Such things ought not to be allowed to happen again. 这样的事情不允许再发生。;(2)表示对现在或将来某种可能性的推测, 这种推测是有根据的, 可信度较高。 Mary ought to be here soon. She took the early bus. 玛丽应该很快就到这了, 她坐的是早班车。 must与 ought to表示推测时的区别: ①Tony must be home now. 托尼现在一定在家。(语气肯定) Tony ought to be home now. 托尼现在应该在家了。(语气不十分肯定);②They must have won the game. 他们一定赢了比赛。(猜测,语气肯定) They ought to win easily. 他们应该很容易能取胜。(推测, 语气不太肯定) (3)“ought to+have+ 过去分词”表示过去应该做某事而实际未做。可以和 should互换。 You ought to have taken care of him. 你本来应该去照顾他的(但你没有)。;2.“情态动词+ have done ”,表示猜测和估计。 (1)must have done用于对过去肯定的猜测。 You look tired. You must have stayed up late last night. 你看起来很累, 昨晚你肯定熬夜了。 She ran to the hospital in a hurry. Something terrible must have happened. 她急匆匆地赶往医院, 肯定发生了糟糕的事。 (2) may/might have done也是对过去的猜测, 语气没有 must强烈。 Tom may have gone shopping with his neighbor. But I am not sure about it. 汤姆可能和他的邻居买东西去了, 但我不太确定。;(3) can/could+have done 表示过去本来能够做某事但实际未做,也可表示过去有可能做过某事。can t/couldn t have done 表示过去不可能做过某事,即对过去的否定推测。 Kelvin has gone to Beijing,so you couldn t have seen him yesterday. 凯文去了北京, 所以你昨天不可能看到他。 Someone must have broken into our bedroom. Who could have done it? 我们的卧室肯定有人闯入过, 谁会这么做呢? My English exam sucks. I could have been more careful. 我的英语考试考砸了, 我本可以更仔细一些的。;3. “情态动词+ have done ”( 形式表示虚拟语气 ) (1) should/ought to have done 表示过去本该做某事而没有做。 The roses are dead. I should have given them more water. 玫瑰花死了, 我本应该给它们多浇水的。 Think about the time you have wasted. You ought to have studied harder,but it was too late. 想想你浪费的时间,你应该更努力学习的, 但现在太晚了。;(2) shouldn t/oughtn t to have done 表示过去不该做某事却做了。 Your mothe


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