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English Around the World;Questions:;in an international talk/meeting;in schools;When we sing English songs.;;Countries speak English as their mother tongue;What are the two main groups of English?;Do you have any plan this fall?; center flat color lift gray honor ;;2. …they include Canadian, British, American, Australian and India English. include 包含, 包括 Eg.你应该在文章中举一些例子。 ____________________________________; contain和include contain指某物包含的内容或成分 “含有,装着” include指包括作为整体的一个部分或要素“包括,包含”;3. …English plays an important role as a first or second language,… play a role:扮演角色 play a part:参加活动 Eg. ①他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色。 ____________________________________ ②她积极参加了晚会。 ____________________________________ ;play a/an … role in sth. =play a/an… part in sth. 扮演……的角色, 对…起…的作用 Monitor ________________________in managing a class. 班长在班级管理中起着重要的作用。;4 … either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.;1 There are more than 100 countries in the world. 2 I’m more than happy to help you. 3 He solved the problem in a simple / easy way. 4 City life is different from country life. 5 We help one another when we are in trouble. 6 The group include / includes 2 engineers and 20 workers. 7 I bought 8 maps including 4 world maps. 8 Gongli played the role of Qiuju in the film. 9 Mother’s love plays an important role in teenagers’ life. 10 He didn’t come to work because of illness. 11He went to Japan because his wife was there. 12 She is either a teacher or an editor.;Fast reading: 1 When and why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries? 2 what does “ a flat” mean? 3 Why did English become less like German and more like French from 1150 to 1500? 4 when did English begin to be used in Hongkong?;The main idea of each paragraph.;Scanning; In the 1600’s;;;; ;;1.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.;2. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit? 来我的公寓坐坐怎



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