Unit2 Englisharoundtheworld课件2(新人教必修1).ppt

Unit2 Englisharoundtheworld课件2(新人教必修1).ppt

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Unit2 Englisharoundtheworld课件2(新人教必修1).ppt

研读材料,完成下列内容: 一、重点单词熟记 1.________/ju?sId?/n.使用,用法;词语惯用法 2.____________/k?mɑ?nd/n. vt.命令,指挥,掌握 3.________/rIkwest/n. vt.请求,要求;二、重点短语探究 1.代替,而不是____________ 2.和……不同__________________ 3.往下看____________ 4.关上____________ 5.hold on__________________ 6.make sense__________________;三、教材佳句背诵 1.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English ________ fluently ________ a native English speaker. 对于一个中国人,把英语说得像英国本国的人一样流利不容易。 2.________ we know,British English is a little different from American English. 众所周知,英式英语与美式英语不同。;1.command (1)n. 命令,控制,掌握,指挥权 He gives his commands in a loud voice.他大声发出命令。 Jimmy has a hundred men under his command. 吉米指挥一百个人。 Youd better read and write more to have a good command of English.要掌握好英语就要多读多写。;【归纳拓展】 under the command of =under ones command由……指挥/控制 be in command of控制…… be at ones command听任某人支配 take command of控制 have a (good) command of...了解/掌握……;(2)vt.命令,指挥,支配 The general commanded his soldiers to fire. 将军命令他的士兵们开火。 The pirate chief commanded that the prisoners (should) be shot.海盗首领下令将俘虏枪杀。 注意:command后可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可省略。;【即境活用】 用适当的介词填空 ①For the first time in years, I felt ________command of her life. ②The army is ________the generals command. ③The police arrived and took command ________the situation. ④The money is ________his command, which he can spend on anything he likes.;2.request n.vt.请求;要求 【搭配】 (1)at sbs request=at the request of sb应某人之请求 by request(of sb)应(某人的)请求;经(某人的)要求 make a request for sth要求得到…… make a request that从句 做出请求 (2)request sth from/of sb向某人要求某物 request sb to do sth要求某人做某事 request+that从句 从句中谓语用(should+)do;He came to attend the party by request. 他应邀来参加宴会。 The little boy requested a toy from/of his mother. 小男孩向妈妈要玩具。 request sb not to do sth通常用被动语态,即:be requested not to do sth Theyve made an urgent request for an international aid/that the international aid should be offered. 他们紧急请求国际援助。 You are requested not to smoke in the public places. 公共场所不准吸烟。;点津:request后面跟宾语从句、同位语从句时,从句谓语用should



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