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;①“Stand up! ”the teacher said to us. →The teacher told us to stand up . ②“Don’t play games in the classroom, ” the monitor said to us. →The monitor told us not to play games in the classroom. ;③He said to them, “Don’t go out at night. ” →He ordered them not to go out at night . ;④The teacher___all of his students to stand up and sing together. A. suggested  B. ordered  C. begged  D. pleased 【解析】选B。order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事。句意:老师命令所有学生站起来一起唱歌。故选B。;当祈使句作直接引语表示要求和命令时,变间接引语时常采用 tell/order/command sb. to do sth. 的形式。若原句中没有称呼语,通常可加上me, him, us等宾语。    若直接引语中祈使句是否定形式, 变间接引语时, 不定式符号to前要加 not或never。;①她说:“不要在这儿等了! ” (用直接引语翻译) “Don’t wait here any longer, ”she said. ②“Please don’t be late again, ”he said. →He asked me not to be late again . ;③“Would you (please) help me with my English? ”he begged. →He begged me to help him with his English . ④The teacher said, “Will you please not smoke here? ” →The teacher requested me not to smoke there . ⑤He asked, “Can you give me a lift? ” →He asked me to give him a lift . ;⑥If anyone comes, tell them I’m ill and ask them___another day. A. visit  B. to visit  C. visiting  D. visit 【解析】选B。 根据ask sb. to do sth. 可确定选B。句意:如果有人来,告诉他们我病了,请他们改天再来。;1. 当祈使句作直接引语表示请求时,变间接引语时常采用request/beg/ ask sb. to do sth. 的形式。 2. 有些疑问句并非提出询问,而是表示请求或祈求,这种问句变间接引语时和一般祈使句一样,也常采用ask/beg / request sb. to do sth. 结构。;   1. 其否定形式变间接引语时, 不定式符号to前也要加 not或never。 2. 若原句中没有称呼语,通常可加上me, him, us等宾语。 3. 祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去。; ①He said, “Let’s go to the museum. ” →He suggested that we (should) go to the museum . ②David said, “let me do it for you. ” →David offered to do it for me . ;③Bill suggested ___ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.                 [2011北京高一检测] A. having held  B. to hold  C. holding  D. hold 【解析】选C。根据suggest doing可确定选C。 动词hold不发生在suggest之前,故A项不正确。 ;表建议、要求或劝告的祈使句变间接引语时,可以用suggest, insist, offer等动词加以转述。    转述间接引语时要注意suggest, insist, offer, advise等动词的固定搭配和习惯用法。如suggest doing。但如果后面接that从句时,从句谓语


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