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目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \u 摘 要  PAGEREF _Toc24762 I  HYPERLINK \l _Toc25256 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc25256 II 1.绪论  PAGEREF _Toc6552 1 1.1 本课题的来源、目的、意义  PAGEREF _Toc30671 1 1.2本课题拟解决的问题  PAGEREF _Toc18788 1 1.3本课题在国内外发展概况  PAGEREF _Toc15334 2 2.方案的论证与分析  PAGEREF _Toc27342 3 2.1 确定方案  PAGEREF _Toc22079 3 2.2方案的分析与选择  PAGEREF _Toc18713 3 3.机床联系尺寸图的设计  PAGEREF _Toc14325 4 3.1 机床的布局和配置  PAGEREF _Toc26306 5 3.2 切削用量和时间定额的选择和计算  PAGEREF _Toc12962 5 3.3 切削力及切削功率的计算  PAGEREF _Toc1772 7 3.4 通用部件的选择  PAGEREF _Toc7829 9 3.5 主要联系尺寸确定13 4.夹具设计16 4.1 定位装置的设计  PAGEREF _Toc9672 16 4.2 夹紧装置的确定  PAGEREF _Toc23960 20 4.3 导向装置和夹具机床连接方式的选择25 5.结论  PAGEREF _Toc26143 27 参考文献  PAGEREF _Toc13332 28 致谢  PAGEREF _Toc27973 29   PAGE II 多缸机气缸盖组合镗床设计 摘 要 本文详细阐述了多缸机气缸盖底面镗床的设计。根据气缸盖及其散热弧的结构特点,确定该机床为单面卧式组合镗床。在机床联系尺寸图设计中,通过分析和计算,选择了合理的切削用量、刀具导向装置及其刀具与主轴的连接方式, 确定了机床的工作行程及动作循环等。通过分析和计算,选用液压滑台、侧底座、动力箱等组合机床通用部件,并设计了专用的中间底座等。在夹具设计中,确定了定位、夹紧及导向等结构方案,确定了夹具与机床的联接方式,并进行了相关的分析和计算。经过分析和论证,该方案能够满足多缸机气缸盖底部散热弧的加工要求和生产纲领要求。 关键词:组合镗床;夹具;气缸盖;动力箱 The design for compounding boring machine of multi-cylinder engine with heat dissipation arc on the bottom side of the cylinder head Abstract The thesis elaborates the design for compounding boring machine of multi-cylinder engine with heat dissipation arc on the bottom side of the cylinder head. The machine can be defined as a single- side horizontal compounding boring machine according to the structural features of its cylinder head and its heat dissipation arc. In the designing process of the machining sketch chart, the thesis introduces the determination process of the structure type and diameter of the main axle by careful analysis and calculation, the choice of adequate cutting parameters, cutter guiding device and the connection pattern between the cutter and the main axle, as well as the ascertainment of the working stroke and action cycle of the machine tool. In the designing of machine size map, the thesi


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