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Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China Section D 课型:新授课 执笔:林永红 审核:八年级备课组 上课时间: 【Teaching aims】 Ⅰ. Knowledge aims: 1. Knowledge aims: 1) Words and phrases: discovery, eastern, depend on, at the end of … 2) Grammar: 系统掌握和运用who, whom和whose引导的定语从句。 2. Skill aims: 1)能读懂中国古代四大发明的介绍,并根据构词法推断、理解生词的含义。 2)能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。 3. Emotional aims: 1)遇到问题时能主动请教,勇于克服困难。 2) 对祖国的文化能有更深刻的了解。 4. Learning strategies:在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。 Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points 1. Words and phrases: discovery, eastern, depend on , at the end of … 2. Sentences: 1) And many discoveries were made with its help. 2) China was the first country in the world to make it. 3. Grammar: Attributive clauses (who/whom/whose) Ⅲ. Teaching aids 多媒体课件,或四大文明的视频资料(四大发明的图片),定语从句方面的练习,或者与四大发明相关的阅读素材。 【 Teaching procedures】l Step 1 Getting students ready for learning 1.Greeting. 2.Check the homework. Step 2 Revision Guide students to review attributive clauses and functions.Step 3 Pronunciation Grammar Complete 2, Discuss the following questions and give a report to the class. Step 3 Pre-reading 1.Show the video or pictures about the Four Great Inventions. Ask students to know about something about them. 2.Guide students to look at the pictures and match the Four Great Inventions with them. Step 4 While-reading 1.Guide students to fill in the blanks with the names of the Four Great Inventions. 2.Ask two students to check the answers. 3.Let students read through the questions of 1b. 4.Let students read the passage paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions. Step 5 Post-reading Divide the class into three groups: the Politics Group, the Science Group and the Culture Group, and then guide students to finish the Project. Step 6 Summarizing and assigning homework 1.Ask students to sum up the key points. 2.Repeat the key points. 【Blackboard design】 Topic 2 He is really the pride of China Section D 1. discovery n. 发现 2. depend on


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