八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?(第5课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?(第5课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?(第5课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第五课时 Section B(2c-2e) ;一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.It is (possible) to let him buy something for you,because he has no money. 2.It is fun (watch) others play sports on TV. 3.We all wanted to have a P.E. lesson,but Miss Zhang (agree). 4.My mother can make cakes in different (shape). 5.Leo (fall) down from the bike when she rode to school. ;二、根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。 6.You your father.You both have a long face. 7.When I was three years old,I ride a small bike. 8.Please me at 6:00 a.m.I want to catch the early bus. 9.There are students on the playground.They are having a meeting. 10.I you.I am different from you. ;一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(5×4分=20分) 1.Whats the (形状) of your table? 2.Its (不可能的) for us to finish the work in ten minutes. 3.We had to move (在……里面) when it started to rain. 4.One of the kids (掉落) into the river just now. 5.There are a lot of trees on both (边)of the road. ;二、单项选择。(5×4分=20分) 6.Robots want to ____ think as a person. A.can B.could C.be able to D.is able to 7.—What are you doing now? —I am ____ my key,but I cant find it. A.looking at B.looking after C.looking up D.looking for 8.There are many children on the playground.Some are running and playing,and ____ are singing and dancing. A.the other B.other C.others D.another 9.Nothing in the world is ____ if you put your heart into it. A.impossible B.important C.interesting D.necessary 10.I ____ and broke three of my teeth yesterday afternoon. A.come down B.looked down C.fell down D.get down;三、按要求完成下列句子。(5×6分=30分) 11.It seems that the girl is happy.(改为同义句) The girl to happy. 12.Its not possible for us to finish reading the books in two weeks.(改为同义句) Its



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