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农村连锁超市物流配送研究 摘要:由于政府的支持和农村经济的发展,农村连锁超市迅速发展,然而分散经营、物流水平却限制了农村连锁超市的发展速度。伴随着农村连锁超市规模的扩大和农民消费需求的增加,为了更好地发展必须采用连锁经营和统一的物流配送。连锁经营将产生规模效应、品牌效应等优势,统一的物流配送可以降低运输成本,增强连锁经营的竞争力。 本文正是基于以上背景, 首先介绍 农村连锁超市物流配送模式,其次提出农村连锁超市物流配送现状存在的问题,最后通过数据分析,结合具体案例给出农村连锁超市物流配送策略选择。论文进而结合物流的现状,给出了农村连锁经营超市的物流配送解决方案,进一步分析得出了农村连锁超市无论要进行连锁经营还是要进行统一配送,迫切需要城市有实力的连锁零售企业向农村发展,建立连锁经营实行统一配送。 关键词:农村连锁超市;物流;配送;体系 Abstract Owing to the support of the government and the development of rural economy, Rural supermarket chain has developed rapidly in the counties. However, it is restricted by the decentralized management and its logistics level. With the expansion of the rural supermarket chain and the increasing consumption demand of the farmers, In order to accelerate the development of the rural supermarket chain, according to the chain operation theory, it is necessary to carry out chain operation and unified distribution. The chain operation has more advantages, such as scale effect, brand effect etc, the unified distribution will reduce transportation cost and strengthen the competitiveness of the the rural supermarket chain. Based on the background above, this thesis just take logistics distribution and its algorithm of the rural county of the supermarket chain as subject, study and explore these problems, the best choice, the analysis and choice of the algorithms of logistics distribution, the model-saving algorithm and its improvement of vehicle routing problem. etc. Key words:rural chain supermarket; logistics ;distribution 目录  TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065033 农村连锁超市物流配送研究  PAGEREF _Toc290065033 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065034 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc290065034 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065035 引言  PAGEREF _Toc290065035 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065036 一、农村连锁超市概述  PAGEREF _Toc290065036 \h 4 1.1连锁超市配送的内容 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065037 1.2农村连锁经营的定义与本质  PAGEREF _Toc290065037 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc290065038 1.2农村连锁经营的基本特征  PA


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