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附3: 毕业论文 毕业论文 分镜头脚本在动画作品中的运用 专 业 动漫设计与制造 论文 分镜头脚本在动画作品中的运用 摘要:当代动画的风格已经相当自由,为了动画的情节需要,跨面或空镜头等,运用特殊表现手法的动画作品现在已经十分常见,基于文学脚本的传统剧本模式已不能胜任使用需要,有效的将动画的文学内容分切成一系列可以摄制的镜头,分镜头脚本应运而生,它综合了创意思维、素材管理、文案创作、创意表现等多方面能力,具有内容描述直观、灵活,较文字脚本来说获得了更广阔的可见效果等诸多优点,将动画中的镜头表现依靠剧本完成,在动画制作过程中给制作人员带来了便利,受到了越来越广泛的运用.该论文在分析分镜头脚本在动画前期制作起到的重要作用的基础上,深入研究了如何设计分镜头,才能让分镜头脚本更简洁精准的表现动画的内涵效果,在并取得了一些有价值的研究成果. 关键词:分镜头 节奏 内容 动画 作用 Story Board of scripted animation works application Abstract:Summary contemporary animation of style has is free, to animation of plot needs, across surface or empty lens,using special performance practices of animation works now has is common, based on literature script of traditional plays mode has cannot competent using needs, effective of will animation of literature content min cut series can produced of lens, story board script came into being, it integrated has creative thinking, and footage management, and copy creation, and creative performance, many ability, has content description intuitive, and flexible, More text script, get has more broad of visible effect, many advantages, will animation in the of lens performance relies on plays completed, in animation making process in the to making personnel brings has facilitate, was has increasingly widely of using. the papers in analysis story board script in animation early making up to of important role of Foundation Shang, in-depth research has how let story board script more simple precision of performance animation of connotation effect, in and made has some has value of research results. Keywords: story board rhythm content animation effects 目    录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294777973 1 动画分镜头的概述  PAGEREF _Toc294777973 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294777974 1.1分镜头脚本的概念  PAGEREF _Toc294777974 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294777975 1.2分镜头画面的概念  PAGEREF _Toc294777975 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294777976 1.3导演的工作与分镜头脚本  PAGERE


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