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毕业论文 PAGE iv 毕业设计 题目 复合材料结构的概率损伤容限设计方法研究 复合材料结构的概率损伤容限设计方法研究 摘要 随着先进复合材料在飞机上的广泛应用,由于变量的随机性和安全系数的保守性,确定性方法已经无法满足设计要求,从而我们采用概率设计的方法,将结构安全程度定量化。 本文是建立在国内外的参考文献的数据基础之上,对四大概率设计方法之一的概率损伤容限设计方法(TsAGI方法)进行研究。使用MATLAB语言编程模拟概率损伤容限设计,通过蒙特卡罗方法计算复合材料飞机结构的失效概率。以Mig-29垂直尾翼为例进行详细的分析和编程计算。接着在通过使用商业有限元软件ANSYS,对一个带孔的复合材料层合板,使用参数化设计语言(APDL)和概率设计模块(PDS),在随机输入变量的情况下,计算此板的失效概率。其目的是为了说明用ANSYS有限元软件分析结构的可靠性是可行的。最后还阐述了此方法的优缺点和以后的研究工作内容和方向。 关键词:概率损伤容限设计,PDS,TsAGI方法,蒙特卡罗 Abstract As advanced composite materials are widely used in the aerospace structures, because of the random of variables and the conservative of safe factor, the deterministic design analysis cannot meet the design requirements. We adopt the method of probability design, which quantifies structural safety degree. This article is on the base of the domestic and foreign related data, one of four probability methods is Probabilistic Design of Damage Tolerant method, that is the method of TsAGI. Firstly, using MATLAB simulates probabilistic design of damage tolerant, and the failure probability of the composites of aircraft structure is calculated with the Monte Carlo method, for example Mig-29 fin. Secondly, through the use of commercial finite element software ANSYS, in composite skin with hole, the use of parametric design language (APDL) and probabilistic design module (PDS) with random input variables, the failure probability is calculated. Its purpose is that it is feasible using ANSYS finite element analysis software to analyze reliability of structure. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the method are expounded and the content and the direction of research in future are given. Key words: Probabilistic Design of Damage Tolerant, PDS, the method of TsAGI, MENTE CARLO 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc231548520 摘要  PAGEREF _Toc231548520 \h i  HYPERLINK \l _Toc231548521 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc231548521 \h ii  HYPERLINK \l _Toc231548522 1.1 研究背景  PAGEREF _Toc231548522 \h


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