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中文3070字 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 外文题目: Income, Consumption, Andpoverty in Korea 出 处: Social Indicators Research,2003,no.62 作 者: Joung woo lee INCOME, CONSUMPTION, AND POVERTY IN KOREA JOUNG-WOO LEE ABSTRACT: This article examines changes in economic welfare within Korea in terms of income, consumption, and poverty. Analyses of government statistics reveal that it has been extraordinarily successful in raising the average level of both income and consumption , while reducing the incidence of poverty during the last four decades. In reducing the unequal distribution of income during the same period, however, the country has been much less successful. In the aftermath of the 1997 economic crises, the level of poverty has risen due to sharp increases in unemployment. The lives of the poor are at risk since the social safety net system in Korea is only minimal. The heavy concentration of land and wealth in a few hands is a major obstacle to the further enhancement of the quality of economic life among the Korean people. This paper examines the changing quality of economic life especially among Korean workers with systematic analyses of time series data on income, consumption, and poverty. The analyses are based on two assumptions. The first is what John Rawls characterizes as “maximin principle,” i.e., the quality of life in a given society cannot be regarded as satisfactory when some of its citizens are in a miserable state of life. The second premise is that Korean workers have yet to receive their fair share of economic development, although it is internationally regarded as more equitable than what is observed in other developing countries INCOME GROWTH Korea has displayed unprecedented rapid economic growth from themid-1960s up until the late 1990s, when an abrupt economic crisis hit the country. Per


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