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摘要 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE IV  PAGE 1 基于AJAX的信息发布与反馈系统的设计 摘 要 为了及时获取学生的意见建议和及时发布调查表,方便系部管理人员、教师和学生之间的交流,本课题设计开发了一个适用于我系信息发布与反馈的系统。本系统为学生和教师之间方便快捷的交流提供了一个平台,为系里教学和管理工作的改进提供了有效帮助。 本系统实现了对管理员、教师、学生基本信息的存储和维护;实现了建议提交和回复整个过程的管理,包括学生提出建议、管理和教师回复建议;实现了建议信息的归类和关键字定义;实现了发布调查表的功能,包括调查表的创建、修改和发布。此外,本系统具有较全面的查询和统计功能,包括按类别查找和统计建议信息、对调查表调查结果的汇总统计等。 本系统采用B/S结构,运行在WEB服务器上,用户端只需用浏览器就可以访问本系统。系统基于.NET平台,是利用ASP.NET、C#语言和Microsoft SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统等工具进行开发的。本系统的开发使用了AJAX技术实现页面的无刷新,在不更新整个页面的前提下维护数据,使系统更加快速地响应用户的各种操作请求。 信息发布与反馈管理系统是按照软件工程思想设计完成的。本文按照软件工程所要求的软件开发过程,对本系统的设计思路、设计方法、实现技术和系统界面做了全面的阐述。 关键词:发表建议,回复建议,调查表发布,调查结果统计,B/S结构,AJAX DESIGN OF AJAX-BASED INFORMATION RELEASE AND FEEDBACK SYSTEM ABSTRACT In order to gets timely student opinion suggestion and timely release questionnaire, to facilitate communication among department management personnel, teachers and students, this subject develops a system of information dissemination and feedback for my department. This system provides a platform for the convenient exchange between students and teachers, and provides effective help for the department to improve teaching and management level . This system realizes storage and maintenance to the basic information of administrators, teachers and students.It realizes management to the whole process of proposal and reply.Using this system,student can make suggestions, and management and teachers can Response to suggestions , managers can classify the information, and definit keywords to the information . This system realizes editing and publishing of questionnaire, including questionnaire creating, modifing and distributing. In addition, this system has some comprehensive query and statistical functions, including selecting suggestions by category and giving statistics results of the questionnaire’s items. This system uses B/S structure, running on the Web server, so the client simply use its browser to access the system. This system is developed based on. NET platform, useing A


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