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北京邮电大学毕业设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATii 基于java的环境保护与宣传网站的设计与实现 摘 要 本文对环境保护与宣传网站的设计和开发过程进行了详细地分析与叙述。按照系统开发的实际操作流程以及论文编写的规范,论文内容从系统概述、系统分析、系统设计和系统实现这四大模块对系统的开发过程分别进行了阐述。系统概述中主要进行了课题背景、课题意义和现状分析;系统分析中主要包括了系统设计前的需求分析、数据流程分析、业务流程分析以及数据字典分析;而系统设计则主要是对系统的体系结构、各个功能模块、数据库结构的设计等具体系统实现过程进行剖析展示,在系统设计中有详细的文字解释并包含有表图说明等,文章同时还列举了关键的功能模块实现代码。 本文力求能为环境保护与宣传网站的开发设计找到一种切实可行的解决方案,在分析了目前国内外环境保护网站的现状的基础上,并经过反复研究和学习后,借助编程语言、JSP和SQLSERVER 2005 数据库最终实现了该网站的开发,并经过一系列测试后,达成了功能完善、操作便捷、使用方便的设计目标。 关键词: 环保网;管理系统;JSP Design and implementation of environmental protection and advocacy java based websites Abstract In this paper, environmental protection and advocacy website design and development process carried out a detailed analysis and narrative. The actual operating system development process , the paper content from the system overview , system analysis, system design and system implementation of these four modules for the development process of the system are described. System Overview The main topics were the background, significance and status of the subject analysis; while the system is designed primarily for system structure, various functional modules, the design of the specific structure of the database system implementation process analyzes demonstrated with the system design and the detailed explanation of the text descriptions contain the table of Fig articles also include a function key module code. This article seeks to find a viable solution for the development of design protection and advocacy website, in the analysis of the present situation at home and abroad on the basis of environmental site, and after repeated research and learning with a programming language JSP and SQLSERVER 2005 database and ultimately the development of the site and after a series of tests to reach a user-friendly, comprehensive, clear operational design goals. Keywords: Environmental protection;Management system;JSP 北京邮电大学毕业设计


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