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摘 要 电力系统的接地问题是一个复杂且至关重要的问题,它直接关系到人身和设备的安全。 随着电力系统的发展,电网的规模不断的扩大,接地短路电流也越来越大,各种电子信息设备的应用,加之雷电灾害,对接地的要求越来越高。对接地装置不仅仅对工频接地电阻,而且对冲击接地电阻、热稳定、接触电位差、跨步电位差也有一系列的要求。以前由于接地装置的问题而引起多起变电站和发电厂事故,所以电力系统的接地问题必须引起足够的重视。 本文为49.5MW风电场升压站设计了接地网并布置了独立避雷针。在接地网设计方面,首先要根据风电场的系统图求出最大接地短路电流,然后做了一个以水平接地体为主的复合接地方孔网。最后校验接地网的工频接地电阻、最大接触电位差和最大跨步电位差是否满足规程要求;在防雷设计方面,本文选择了六根独立的避雷针,给避雷针做独立的复合接地网,算出接地网的工频接地电阻要满足规程要求;最后绘制出风电场接地和防雷的工程图。 关键词:接地网;短路电流;工频接地电阻;冲击接地电阻;防雷 Abstract It is a complex and important problem for the grounding of the electric power system. Its directly related to the safety of people and equipment. Along with the development of electric power system, the expansion of the scale power grid, short-circuit current of the grounding grid is more and more big, the application of various electronic information equipment, and the lightning threated ,our demand is higher and higher for the grounding grid. For the grounding connection, not to the industrial frequency grounding resistance, and also the impact grounding resistance、touch potential difference、step potential difference、thermal stability is with a series of requirements.It has caused many problems becaused the the power substation and power system accident in the past few years, therefore the grounding problem must cause enough attention. The article design a grounding grid and decorate the independent lightning rod for the 49.5MW wind farm.For the grounding grid design,we must calculated the largest grounding short-circuit current according to the graph of the wind farm,then do a combined grounding network with horizontal grounding conductors as the main means of grounding.Finally,we must meet the procedures standard Through calibrationning the industrial frequency grounding resistance、touch potential difference and step potential difference;For the independent lightning rod decorate,this article chooses six root independent lightning rod and does a grounding grid,the ground resistance of the grounding


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